Show FEDS PROPOSE TO ORGANIZE A MINOR HARTFORD n. Conn Cone J Jinn Jan n. n Hugh lIU C.-lIU Hugli rh A. A I McKinnon an nil agent of or the Federal base ball bail l ab c. c announcer hero List last night that a n. meeting would b bu be held heM In to N New w Haven nett next Saturday to take preliminary steps to organize an t team eight m Federal minor lea league uc III In New ew l England Ho would not say y definitely what cities clUes would be bo represented but ut said Pr President and other ether of officials II cia Is of ot tho Ild Federal ral leu CUM would be pr present at tho the meeting Mckinnon was recently a as sav sayIng say say- ins Ing that tho the new league would Include New e Haven Hartford Hurtford Bridgeport and Springfield ld In the Eal Eastern association I rt l anti nn n I JM fn eh I V T n 5 t ll |