Show I I I JUMBO EXTENSION IS ISA ISA A G CONTENDER AS ASA A GOlDfiElD SHIPPER Sp Special to The Telegram GOLDFIELD Nay Nev ev J JAn n. n 26 JumbO Jumbo extension lo is dividing dl Inter Interest t with wit Ncr Mer Merger ger on which speculation p I is focused a as the thc next contender for tor shipping honors The Merger Is sending up a double compartment corn com raise with ih all 31 Ih the speed p ed of or three shifts shift working under th tha th Immediate di direction dl- dl of M th the management which ap apparently apparently ap- ap P- P attaches the utmost Importance to tin the th hidden n probabilities s of this area fr rs Of t Ih lively I l looking Klo ore oro daB dally daily In Increasing increasing In in- creasing In strength tren th are reported coming In apparently representing enUng offshoot from froman trman froman an ore b body of ot some tome m magnitude The Merger r Ppl pl ar are not supplying any in information In- In formation as th thay y b believe bellev IE E in actions ut rather r than speech or promises but hut the scores cor of mining men are ke keenly nl alert figuring out every er e foot rot of o progress In n the th raise a and ni calculating tn tho the time which should elapse before brotO a shot Ahot opens the he contact The full tul 61 significance cannot b be bl overestimated Should Ier Merger r be rewarded with values alues In n the thc shall shale then ten It I is conclusive that Jumbo Eten Extension lon has 3 feet fet of ot backs bacs In n a 1 horizontal line InA from th the present ex extreme cx- cx tr mn end of the th Polo erda workings dipping from a n depth of SOO SO feet eat on th the Jumbo E Extension to 1100 11 feet on the Merger In th the Jumbo Ft Ion on the foot SOO-foot level the Polo era vein has h a measured d width of ot 30 30 feet with o or ore streaks from thirty te feet t. t wide feathering down and expand expanding In again aln The Inference Infer Infer- ence ene Is 19 ce clear r that If J Merger I rk makes a astrike astrike strike in the tho raise rise It must necessarily be bea bea a continuation of time the Polo and tn th the discovery r will 1 fortify Jum Jumbo Extension In pro ln proving up vast t ore reserves A continuation of D raise rlee hS has been en started on the Jumbo Elenion Extension at a point joint pint sixt sixty C feet pt northwest t from old ol D raise rill alne th the hole being sent up in or ors orf from the he south futh drift which wass wasa when the he first vert vertical I. I I D raise ralf raIl was abandoned abandond for or the them purpose of ot securing better beter ven en eim lila Ula tion lon Jumbo dumb Extension ha has been ben sending out an average l of one car rr per da day since the first of the month with wih an occasional extra car This from or ore came develop develop- m nt as the mana management nt Is intent on opening up th the mine as 8 f Rt t nn as AP possible with wih a 1 du due regard rd for the Interests of ot stockholders and scarcely lv b scare clr an am any sloping was attempted until th the week past pst when sloping b began This resulted In an en enrichment enrichment tn- tn en- en of th the th shipments and tho the net earnings of ot the tlE company mU b bi be about abut for the month of or January shows a continuation of or the old oM hig values value which were ere so 10 common In Iii Novem Novem- b ber br r. r the assay sheets showing tour four te feet t tor of or the east Mft drift as assaying Ul and the an RIO east drift from B rl ral raise rale e breaking down Pro Progress on th the tho n new shaft shafton on the tho Velvet Js is reported with tho the bun foun for tor the now nov head herl frame framo Installed and nd th the framing crew erE at t work on tho bl big olg gallows lo R name r The hoist rind motor have o b been on shipped l from rota Denver er And In th the th course courle of ot the th next two to the the timber cre crew will wi begin tearing out Olt the thc lining of or the old ol Velvet shalL shaft which will 1 ime h lowered lowered low low- ered eed to a d depth of 1000 feet beet unless the shale hale Rhal contact should shoud b be b cut before reaching reach reach- ing ng that point |