Show DELINQUENT NOTICE Mining and Milling company compan Location and principal place of ot business Salt Sal Lake Lako City Utah Notice here There are aro arc delinquent upon tho the following d described stock on account o of assessment No 0 25 2 of ot 2 cents per share sharo levied le on December 19 19 lOll 1914 tho the several se eral amounts set opposite tho the names Iames of ot the tho respective O ct aha sha shareholders as follows N No of ot Cert Name Shares Amt mt 17 1 Samuel muel Mcintyre 00 40 9 Samuel re rc OI Samuel 3 12 12 60 Samuel McIntyre Samuel Mcintyre OCO Samuel amuel Mcintyre Jr leo 20 0 Margate Margaret aret Mood Moody 1000 2000 iO Karl Earl tarl Mcintyre ito 00 oo n. n M N. Wilkinson zoo Robert Hobert K E. 1 Mark OO 1 GP AV V S. S ISOO J 10 Mrs rs E. E E D. D Brackenbury Brackenbury Bracken Bracken- bur bury 1000 2000 12 D. D E TOO 00 1000 accordance with And AntI In law and an II order of ot the board boan of directors ma made e on al tho thi da day of or December 1014 BO so 10 many shares of ot each parcel of such stock mal as ni may ho bo necessary will wi bo be sold ut at th tho company's com corn pany's lanys office ro room Hooper Hooner Hoper building Salt galt Sal Lake Lako Ct City Utah on th time tho j loth du day of or February 1915 at 2 p. p I in mn to pay tho thu delinquent assessment thereon together with wih the cost of or advertising and and n expense of or talc sale n. n M. M t L WILKINSON SON Secretary I fait al Ilk Lake elt City CIU Utah Jan Jaim 1 21 1915 |