Show Ell POWE S COMMITS SUICIDE Michael L. L Powers 70 years of age afe well known in minin mining circles during Utah's early cady d days daye 8 committed suicide in in bis his room at the tho Metropolitan hotel 78 East Third South street shortly after niter 10 o'clock last night by shooting himself himself him him- j self ef in tho the head Ho He had been suffering from dyspepsia d for many years and was almost totally blind blin from an no injury re received received re- re I in the Bullion Beck mine at Eureka Eureka Eureka Eu Eu- reka several oral years ago Letters were found foun in the tho suicides suicide's 8 pockets from rom Jo K E. D D. Norris Norri Maple street San D c rr Cal Alva Alvn Thomp Thompson son and ud Martha Beaumont of ot Beaver City The bod body is at nt a local oeal undertakers undertaker's ors or's awaiting advices from front relatives cs |