Show I AND THE 1 MARRIAGE MARKET fi I men en have boon been en unpleasant unpleasant- ant iriE to find nd 1 that their thir wife's they j. had so 50 greatly ad ad- only a witch switch or va saw naw bow Inow that poor hair bair is n of f cither laziness 5 or lack lacke l de e and that fair care with a wins r will vill 11 injure scalp calp health tt tY In Jn washing the tho balla hair ball a to use uso a makeshift s l-s JI a 1 preparation made for lor iD c You can enjoy th tho at i for about 3 cents a b a package of oC can can- ful allU t dis ol a tea tea- i I ap p of hot water an arid Q is ii After Its lr u UC aJ One 5 rapidly with uniform J i u ess oil and dirt aro r Your You r fO fluffy that It U look than if j i. i Its lustre and a ili Ii-ili lio delight d light you ou while the tho 8 Jp ain gning the thO health which h Ad You u Sick and 7 J f in Dotters and aad Medicines 1 0 want t to well 7 D 00 you know Ct Plant have no Cured diseases bUk for ceo cen S p Inti Clue hUb baa UC r itt P LIes p p U N. N 1 Ulti for or 54 h. h r Sr h be taI tolt 1 i Dol Ite I. f S. S u lt 70 tea 1141 ea th cit c a 10 Nh lib of I ft title ilIa b h t 54 tint m. m 0 IQ h La an anI baa I fe froC u. u lul i I r. r Pp tUN I 1 lit kh then is a t to io lat U raa or i Ih katZ uiS u It t bt Ta T. p s f rree r. r ts y r. r If V Pes Lor C. C lt IL bT II 0 ts Ll r Cot Colo Ihu I 1114 ssi hi Uh t to CSt sa 0 ha un II U tOI J 3 i a. a T. T a I I THE PRICE SHE P PAYS A YB i There Thuc is hardly nit lIt American merican nn woman roman nowadays who c can n keep pace with the demands made upon ulon her br time timo and tan en- n. n cr org v without the paying pa penalty of oC ill iii health it may be be that dreadful backache back back- ache dragging pains n headaches hes nerv nerv- or the tortures of f n a displace displace- fluent ment It If is tilt timo prie pric she ho pays To r women in thi thi condition Lydia E. E Pinkham's Pinkham's Pink Pink- ham hams ham's J Yc Vegetable Compound comes as Ol ft n boon and anul a blessing A simple remedy made maile from roots root and hero berbe which brings glorious health en el Ah A Adv lv to WI wont wom a FURNITURE SHIPPED AT LESS THAN FREIGHT RATES tV We care are making up caN cart fn fn- Eastern points also Northern and Southern California Cali Call fornia and Oregon points What bat have 3 you OtI on to ship 7 I Keyser Fireproof f Storage Co Wasatch 2823 West 2nd South w w n a l p Sr Dont Don't fail to attend this wc weeks week's ks k's initial showing of r Ou town Out patrons can CM save time by shopping ng b by Spring Millinery for t those ho e who contemplate tc going goin m mail ll We Ve y c pay Parcel cl Post charges on all orders to California and the South All the thc newest PA sent to and fill filled d. d by our Mail Order Department models as worn worD at Palm Beach Deach and md other winter to all all points within miles of Salt Lake Domestics Do Do- Do- Do resorts meshes fragile and bulky goods excepted We e G. G Give Givs IV an and d R Redeem f d eem S Security y V Vouchers one h ers Hot Lunches Daily Book with 0 FREE rREE Vouchers to start saving saying In In connection with our light lunches of sandwiches then one voucher with every err ten cent pur pur- salads pies ices etc ete we wc NOW OW SERVE the tho moro more substantial substantial sub sub- chase e F Filled Ile bOO books 8 re redeemed for in lunches Our Wednesday special is Hot Roast Koast merchandise of your own selection from any Beef Deef with nth brown n gravy mashed potatoes P Parker r cr house Roll Eoll anti and tea or coffee for department Security Vouchers keep the cr daintily served by Tom Brown 1 and his bis skilled c corps corps oI of mone money in your home lionie town GOOD GOODS assistants Tomorrow Last Day NOTION SALE Walkers Walker's s Great Annual Event following the fashion announcement of styles when e every home and arid professional dressmaker gets sets read ready with her sprin spring showing showing- Now is is the timo time to fill your sewing basket with all the that may be he in demand deman during these busy dressmaking days Seldom have e equal values been offered and the special prices will be in effect only one more day dav I per r Spool dozen Cotton Bowstring or Coats 4 1 wh white 2 26 21 te Coats Coat's and brown Darning 3 for Cotton bl black ICk I I spools Basting 3 for Thread Thoad yard 10 lOc C I Pin CU Cushions hi on each ch Stocking Dryers Oc Cotton Dress Belting 2 yards ie c Ironing ns Wax Vax with handles dozen fie W West Ele Hair Curlers r 12 6 lint Hat t Elastic S yard n for or lOc lOe Ge Sc Mending Tissue black white or brown 2 for Manic Mane Horn Hair Curlers I. I l' l Kc lc Garter Elastic l anti and In width yard lOc 5 Sc Asbestos Iron Holders 3 Z for oc Sc II Hooks and Eyes Eves 11 2 for Qc Fancy Jancy F Silk Frilled Elastic yard 12 c and nd lc Ric-Rac Ric Rae Braid lOc Wire Coat Hangers folding Gc c C Dr Parkers Parker's 8 Waists ir loc and yard Buttonholes s. s yard lOc Pearl head Pins PiD Oc and intI Sc Childrens Children's Hose c a assorted colors lOc Supporters 5 Tape Tap 4 Pleasure 0 J v inch 60 3 for lOc lOe Ya Vassar Rr Pins Pius 3 on card carll Gc fie Hickory or Velvet Grip Grin choice fic Pin Cubes black anti and while whitE a assorted 10 lOe C L. L Lingerie T Tape wi with h bodkin 0 elk In pink pini bl blue UC I Wah Edgings yard 6 pieces Hair Pin Cabinets lOc white whito I assorted colors and designs bolt iT 10 C j u Gc p Dutch 1 c. c h Linen T Tape ape 3 3 f for or oc I lOc Spool Sill Silk yards all JC santa Sanitary Aprons lOc bOo Warren s 's 9 Weighted r Tape white only yard DC Sc e I shades per dozen donen 8 0 Oc C Sanitary Aprons 35 Gc Sc Shoo Laces Late odds antI and ends 5 pairs pans Sanitary Belts oO lOc Shirt Waist Belts each 50 21 c Cotton Tape all widths hs 8 S for lOc IOe Peet Peel Js ts Hooks and Eyes V pacta package e. e Sc a Pins Jn as assorted sizes 2 for I c Dexter's Knitting Cotton box bax 80 jc c La Wire 11 yards ards crimped 2 for fie Qc a and d c Kid Hair blair Curlers 2 for of ot 20 0 bans balls at per bo box C Lie Hie bolt Silk Scam Seani Binding fie Hair Nets 2 for for s fc lOc bolt Bias Seam r. r nil all r Tape widths J Joe JOc Oc torset Laces f Gc sc so Mercerized db Darning Cotton 2 for tor Dress Shields Omo Naiad or lOc Collar Bono Bone black or white yard to 5 Silk 1 Finished ed Crochet Cotton 3 for Dress Shields Omo or Naiad IDe t Dress Forms Forms-At Cost and Less I Experienced first D Demonstrator o r w will call at your home to make 50 4 C Adjustable lb Forms with k skirt and stand n adjustments 10 1050 O section S-section La Correct Forms with skirt U ilIilI Bust Form Forms sizes 32 to 44 at and stand Sale SaJe price Bust Duet Forms sizes 4 42 to toI toIa I 42 Ia at 1000 Wheel top Forms Bust Forms sizes 32 to 44 at 2 Queen Forms slightly damaged ed regular lri price c Telescope Forms complete with skirt and stand 1950 Sale price each 1250 sizes 32 to 4 42 4 Sale price 1 Empress Form slightly damaged GOO Collapsible Form Form with stand Sizes 31 to 44 44 1750 Sale Salo price regular price S Sale o price Irico Main Ilin Floor 1060 1050 WEDNESDAY IS BABY DAY Dont Don't overlook baby's needs There isn't a more interesting department in this great store than the one otie devoted to Infants Infants' Wear every Year every little comfort for baby that saves mothers mother's time in hi the making makins The following clearance prices on some broken lines are arc real money savers sayers White Flannelette Petticoats value 48 4 Several dozen of these garments that ha have Ye become soiled from handling and display display display dis dis- dis- dis C play are pr priced ced at less than their whole wholesale sale cost The They arc the long petticoats of white with scalloped embroidered hem I 1 Lawn Dresses I I Sweater Jackets I Dainty white dresses in sizes 6 months to 2 3 Closely knitted soft woolen I jackets in plain years Rave Have round necks with lace and hand baud yoke and tucked bottom white or with pink and blue edgings Sizes Short sleeves An n assortment of slightly G 6 mouths months to 1 year soiled and aud mussed garments I Kni Knitted B Bootees I I 50 c p Panties an t. t les J 5 C CA A dela delayed e sl shipment that should have been Broken lines but all sizes from 2 to 6 years f 1 here for holiday selling n Plain white or in Finished with Hamburg embroidery and insertion inser combination with pink or blue Several tion and several rows ros of fine tucks More or orless styles less soiled and mussed from handling in I I I I Outing Flannel Petticoats 17 c I These are for children from 6 G to 12 years Heavy outing flannel with wide ruffle and 1 scalloped edges Slightly so soiled led Have be n selling at Third Floor NAN lL I L U 7 I How to Cure Rheumatism Iero I-Iero Is he a prescription lon for rheumatism to Lo La mixed at home used all o over or r the U. U S. S for tor many yc years rs and an said Id to be bo the tho surest st known med r remedy neutralizes s acid in inthe lh the blood and gives s l TC results after dose doe lo e. e One ounce of or Tons compound andone and ono one ounce syrup of or Put these t two o Ingredients In half halt pint of whisky kY U Use o a n before meals meat and at bedtime Get at t am any dru drug store G Genuine Torts comes In on ono one ounce sealed pealed yellow packages put up by Globe Pharm Co Dayton O. O I I 1111 of la 10 fot 0 ht batS cin tutu i. i tal Cr n all rI en T t. t ou I Adl o All saS Depart Depart- aI a MILLIONS I I 3 tc I 1 I i I C RE 1 LINES E F J 4 SAt SALT LAKE CITY I i r 4 Depart Deput a. a m. m ml 1 I Arrive a. a I. I m. m a m. m ml a. a en m. m 45 a. a m en 1135 am a.m. a. a m en 1245 p. p m. m ml p. p m. m p p. p mi ml p. p m. m 45 p. p m. m p. p m. m p. p ml 1033 p. p pm p.m. m. m FREIGHT I 45 1145 p. p mi mt 1250 a. a m. m r P PASSENGER M le Mileage g Dook ook EXPRESS No SmoKe No Smoke No Cin Cm tiers den Telephones Frt Was 1539 1535 S1 51 t W. W Pase Exp Wa Wai Wu DEPOT J T Take ko all do do t II cars cUS tho the of Cf the tha Town I h- h I I 1 fl j HOW TO HEAL SKIN-DISEASES SKIN I A Baltimore doctor RU suggests g this simple aim sim plc but reliable an arid and inexpensive homo home treatment for people suffering ring with eczema riv ringworm worm rashes and nol similar itching burning skin troubles At any reliable druggists druggist's g get t a jar of rt resinol ointment and a cake of hi resinol soap will n not t cost a bit moro more than 5 cents With the soap and warm water batho thu the tho affected parts thoroughly until the they are arc tree free from irom crusts and anil tho the kin skin is is softened o Dry very wry ct ge spread on 00 a n thin thill la maven layer r of the ointment ut and antI cover er with mth a light bandage bandage if if e-if if n necessary 9 sary to protect t the clothing Tins This should be done JODO twice c a 1 da day 1 Usually uRIl the distressing itching arid uil top with th the f first treatment and toe the soon becomes clear cleal all and azid h health healthy alth v again Adv Adv |