Show EARN EA N U 12 GENTS CENTS DAILY GERMAN SOLDIERS S SAVE VE I Habits of Thrift Are Continued Continued Continued Con Con- in Excitement of Battle Associated Press BERLIN Jan 23 That Thal That the German soldier has carried with him Into tho the I Iwar war Ills hit well known habits of ot thrift Is i shown by tho the amount of ot money that ho he Is sendIng Bending homo home to his family A official of o Dresden Dr den lisa has re recently recently re- re centy shown In a public address that tho the amount of ot money went Int homo b by soldiers sol aol titers diers for fot the tho to Dresden postal district In iii November Ko emor r reached ched Assuming that the l Ilka B ratio prevails for tor all ni the tho th rest reet of ot Germany he estimates esti mates that the fi sent gent homo home 2 24 te In November o Tl This Tula l sum sum appears aper all ni the tho more striking when It I Is 19 re recalled recalled re- re called cUe that the pay pay of ot the tho to German private rate vate soldier gollier Is only about 12 cents a a day The amounts amount rent remit through tho the ca arc tre often oten less than and andIn andIn alo In not a fe few cases less than 1 U. A Socialist paper commenting upon these theo largo laro savings remarks This largo iare sum ot of O OOOO reflects the tho sobriety or of orthe orthe the tho German soldier his Intrinsic dorency lo do- do rend rency and hI of oC character r. r Even Evon in the wildest turmoil of tho the bitterest bit bit- crest terest lerot struggle of ot history ho does docs dos not forget foret the te good cod habits of his home which he hE formed fored In times Umes of ot peace pece Among Aon th tho laurels that our troops tos are ans winning before tho enem enemy It 1 Is 11 also a a. high title of ot honor that they us use us j their petty woes wages economically and do co no nov no forgot their families or to look lok forward to of ot P ace |