Show I Club Notes An tn Interesting Ino prO program Tam of or nus Russian I music lc WaR wan given this afternoon at tho thu I meeting of or the music section of tf the Ladies Ladies' Ladles Ladles' La La- La- La dies dies' Literary club was wan the tho composer studied and a 3 paper on Ills lilt life and work m was van read by 1 Mrs Mra MI C C. E. E West Vest Vocal Yo-n I and ond Instrumental numbers were vere contributed d b by Mrs Mra Theodore Be Beat t Mr Mrs Thomas Thomaa I e Mra J J. W. W Curti Curtis Mrs Mn and nod Ml 11 3 Tho accompanists ts were Mrs IJ 1 O. O PCr ler kloe kine Mrs Inc J. J W. W Curtis and anti Miss ilis Rowena Korna Kornit T Tho To o club chorus chonis of or the Ladles Ladies Literary club met at 1 30 Just preceding tho the meeting of 01 the music section Th The Seekers Seekers' Literary club met this afternoon at nt th the home homp of or Mrs J J. J V. W. Guthrie 29 39 9 Fairmont apartments Mrs It It IL E. E 1 Savage e read nead a paper The Tho lie lic of J nuna and Mrs drs gave ga a reading from rom Bryant Waiting Walting at ll the GIl Gate Cate tc Tho tourist pC section o of the Ladles Ladles' Literary Lit Ut- club met this morning at the club club- house 1 lra F. F L L. L O Oswald had tho topic for the afternoon Environs En of or Cairo ant and Personal Experiences in Th The ladles ladles' auxiliary to the United 1 I Commercial Travelers entertained at a acard acard card party and this afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock at nt the home of or Mrs rs J. J M. M Struck 1410 Butler utter a avenue Tho house was as prettily d tM for the occasion and many friends rl of ot the m mem m- m bet bers of tho au auxiliary were vere pr present Tho The Danl Danish Danith h 3 j lodge l 3 will entertain r this e evening at a gran grand 1 ball Lolli In Odd Fellows Fellow hall hail e This ThIll evening e the first In a It series of or lectures s First Aid to the Injured will n b-n given at 8 S o'clock In the T. T W. W C. C A. A rooms In tho Continental National brink bank building The Th address will be given hen by bv Dr Eager er Bowdle who Is a physician ph The talks will be given en th the second and fourth TuE Tuesdays In the month an fAll and all Interested st wilt will be welcome V V Th The m members mb of or the I will bo Lo entertained this thin evening by MIe Leila LeUa lIa and e Marguerite larl Scott at th their lr home In the tho Bungalow apartments apartment The Tho even even- In inge B of or th the club meetings m are pent at al on The Salt Lake equestrian n club will cIll bo be enl entertained at a dancing party this thia even log ing tr by C. C Burdette Drown Brown Chauncey Chaunce Bourne Bourrie and H Harvey T e 1 L. L Kay affair will cilI be bp at the tho homo of or Mr Drowns Browns sister on Wall street d. d The R R. R C. C of or the tho t ho O. O A. A r. r n. n will III give gire a cat card rocial Friday evening at al the home borne of oC Mrs Ir I- I B. B B. B Springer 44 Third Fist street tr et AH AU corps members pont poat arid and C. C G. G i A A. R. R members and friends are Invited In S Mrs D. D y Vell Wellor n r of or tZG 6 IC f street tre t will v-HI entertaIn en en- en the lAd Lady hive No D 0 and their lr friends at a c card r 6 social Thurs Thurs- fla lay day afternoon b between tween tho the hours of M 2 und 5 S 0 clock o'clock A at t her horn hom home |