Show FRIEND OF THE PEOPLE Pie Please as PI tell me roe through your paper pOper who will have havo the management of ot the New Z house hotel SUBSCRIBER William Paget address Newhouse r building Salt Lake City FRIEND OF PEOPLE Will you jou OU kindly i 1 I orm me mo where land 1 nd offices es are located In Oregon and Califor Califor- California nia or 01 how I can find them An Any other othor Information regarding homesteads In either cither will bo be appreciated READER Portland Ore and Sacramento Cal Cat Perhaps you ma may be ado abia to 10 get such Information in information In- In forn formation Uon as you want at nt the United States State land office in tho the building build build- ing In Salt Lake or 01 it at the tho office of the state land board city cily and county buildIng build build- InS Ing FRIEND OF 01 PEOPLE Friend of or tho the People Will you ou kindly give gl me Information through your paper on the following q questions t 1 1 Is is a a In the paper sufficient to protect a man from being being responsible for his his wife's debts 2 2 How man many times should tho notice appear appeal and In to how many papers 3 3 What would be tho co cost t of ot ruch such a n. notice or notices 4 If It your jour our Information 1 lit hn acted upon how long would It be legally good SUBSCRIBER SUBSCRIBER- S Z Depends on length of ot notice A hUl husband band Is bound to his wife wICe an and 1 If It he falls In tho the duty she sho mil may pledge ledge his credit for necessaries If It ho he supplies her with the necessaries of life or fund funds to purchase tho same lame he can con protect his credit by giving 1 direct notice to such persons or places where he han haIl and probably he lie can also alfio do this tills by running an advertisement giving notice to all aU concerned tha thata he will not be responsible for accounts Contracted contracted con con- tt b by his wife There Thero are no definite den nite rules on this subject FRIEND OF THE PEOPLE Salt Lake Lako City Utah Dec 13 13 14 1 Editor Tele Telegram ram Would you ou please an answer aner er tho the following questions If Ie n a woman is 18 keeping a a boarder he being a friend a of the husband and und It being boIng boIng bo- bo Ing the husbands husband's wish that he stay with the family can I la lawfully claim all or any of oC the boarders boarder's s money which be he pays paS for tor board 7 If U a n woman was keeping boarders b by her own wish would she be le legally all en entitled entitled entitled en- en titled to the mone money received for board In case of ot tho the ono one boarder who ho Is a friend of the husbands husband's I think the wife should havo o a a. part of ot board money mane since the she spends It for the childrens children's clothes or in case of ot Sickness SUBSCRIBER In this state a married woman enjoys tho the same rights to hold property mako make contracts and enga engage o In business as aa a man Tills This question depends for tor an answer answer an an- therefore upon tho ownership atthe of at the provisions pro tho the terms under which which tho the wife attends to the housekeeping an anthe and the contract with the boarder we a suggest sug she Best gest est the Impracticability as well a all the impropriety of ot a husband and wife trying try tn- Ing t to t-IL t settle on a lis t technical legal basis such Buell q questions as these The matt matter r should be discussed and settled on such sucha a a. basis basil as 18 to Insure domestic peace I Garfield Utah Friend J of the tho People Husband objects to his wife going out with other men to top 10 cabarets c and cafes caf She leaves him then writes a n letter to him stating slating she will not not life IIVo with him a any moreOn more On what ar grounds other than de desertion can he ho sue for Cor divorce U Will he have ha to wait walt six months before h he can sue and attn obtain tho Interlocutory Interlocutor de decree ree If IC he Ito cues on the tho grounds of ot de desertion desertion do- do only A 1 READER Her c conduct may amount to cruelty Otherwise under Just the thc facts stated there U is no ground for divorce She must remain away a year ear eal to constitute de deser deser- er- er tion Con Consequently you jou OU must wait walt a atal avear year vear to IU sue EUA on on that ground FRIEND D OP OF THE TUE PEOPLE C Could uh jou Sou ou please tell me a credit merchant cou could d do In this thin case I oo Bought h a skirt last August th tho- tho agreement was t that I should pay a deposit and 1 per per week They altered the tho skirt and through Inexperienced help spoiled the tho article The They are now non trying C to compel me to pay for Cor It Thc They hive have had tho the skirt since September to rectify their alteration The skirt having been I spoiled In tho the first alteration could they compel me to pa pay for It SUBSCRIBER Under the the circumstances If it you are sued d upon upon- tho the account you jou ou can counterclaim counterclaim counter counter- claim for Cor tho the damage you jou ou sustained on ac account of the defective work upon tho the skirt If this thin dama damage o equals or or exceeds the balance duo due on at the account you jou will willowe willowe owe nothing FRIEND O OF TIlE THE PEOPLE Friend of the People People- As Aa the law of oC of Utah prohibits anyone anono from procuring a marriage lIc license nse where tho the ono or both have hav been divorced rJ for forone forono forono ono one year car from time of divorce now nov U It such I parties procure a marriage license In Home Kome other state In less than n one Ve veer year r after divorce divorce dl and live In Utah I Is there tHre any penalty If H all any what is tho penalty SUBSCRIBER If tho the marriage g was entirely legal In Inthe inthe the tho state where It Va was solemnized 1 then It Is Is reg regarded fled as legal lesal everywhere although al although al- al though h It It may maj ma bo be the the tho court courts of Utah would hold the same void if It it could be shown that It IL was entered Into 01 as a f fraud Q against the tho la laws las s and public policy polle of ot this state FRIED D 01 Ol THE TILE PEOPLE Beaver Utah 7 12 Friend of or the People Will you jou ou kindly answer the toU following Four parties have e taken up SO acres of oC land In A a. II little Ue valley ally of or about tOO COO acres The surrounding are re covered with cedar and pine timber and for man many years eara people from Crom B Braver Beaver cr have ha gone Into this valley tOt for firewood 1 There Is no road leading through tho the al illey In fenc fenc- fencIng fencing ing this land tho the parties p ha harun rave run nun their line of or fence Hollowing following their survey sune across across' the tho mouth Of or the canyon canon and thereby prevent p people from reaching this timber es tho they make a a. road around south or cast rost of the valley Wood haulers haul- haul ers rR claim culm this aa as a public road and say then n can cut the wire wiro fences and go through and over tho the land as before The parties entering the laud land havo ha complied with wILh the United States laws lans as provided in such cases Which party Is In the right SUBSCRIBER This CJ question e cannot be Ds b answered without referring referring- to the thee patents tents and reservations res res- erv therein contained contained In connection tion with the facts aa as to extent and len length h of ot time tho the alleged road rond has been used by bv public You had bettor better belt r submit the matter to a local attorney FRIEND D OF TIlE THE PEOPLE 1 |