Show I Ann An Annual A Banquet Advertising Club of Salt lake HOTEL UTAH Wednesday Eve January 27 21 1 All Al Business Men and Their LADIES Are Invited Musical Program by City's Best Talent i c BANQUET BANQUET PLATE Tickets from any member of the Advertising club r Make early reservations T. T F. F THOMAS Chairman 5 i e I SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S BALE In the tho city court of ot Salt Lake Laie City count county of Salt SaIL Lake state of ot Utah C. C n L I. Irvine lne plaintiff against C. C W. W rIter our r m- her Icer defendant To To be Le sold old at sheriffs sale at the west cst door of ot time tho county court house In tho the elt city anti and CO county of or Salt baIt alt Lake state of or Utah on tIme tile ith day dav of or Janu January Januar n A. A D. D 19 1315 1915 at 12 lr o'clock noon of at said Id do day all an the tho right title tithe claim and Interest of ot said defendant of of In and to the tho following described 1 1 estate lo- lo wit Commencing at the time northeast corner nf or the northwest t quarter of section 3 3 town f ship two 2 south range rouge on one 1 l we west t. t Salt Snit I-ako I base baM amid nd meridian thence west feet thence southerly 2637 feet to center line of sectIon thence e east cast st I f feet eel ct thence north 2637 2 2 feet to beginning bc eon Containing 11 acres purchase l' price payable In lawful money naney of tho the U United ted States Dat Dated d at Salt Lake Jake CIl City Utah this timis th day of or January A. A D. D l JOHN S. S COP Sheriff of Salt Lako count county state tate of Utah Ulah By 11 C C. L. L D Deputy put Sheriff I 15 D V. Moffat attorney for plaintiff Da Dato to of first publication January January 3 S. S A. A D. D I Add to the tho above amount CO 20 cents for tor advertising cost of tach ch certificate i FUNERAL DIR THE Qt U J embalmers Khe lion to 10 an all alls iU 4 tr f 0 1 t tilmer ch cha L J. J sic U tn Lea Val Zit dU FLORIS FLORISTS ALl In-DS In from our Co Sill tJ and nn lI p. p |