Show Hes He's a Rooter CHICAGO Jan 26 Judge Jud e uw 31 SI Landis hearing the bl big baseball suit is about as well ell known to the south couth el side elde e fans fane by virtue virtu of his at- at thero there as ho Is to the Standard Standard Standard Stand Stand- ard Oil crowd d by br virtue of his 29 fine he be assessed the tho tt L' tatter Litter r. r Ho HoI HoK K seldom I Mom om misses c a game amo ben the White Sox are arc at homo home and ho nn gets to Cub contest he can There Is always ono one time when Landis Is well nigh certain to bo bl found rooting In the stands stans Ja that's when Walter Johnson pitches I a the So SOT Court attendants nt- nt sold aid today that next ne to being a 3 judge or ur n fl h lawver lawI w r Judge ludge e La Landis would er r Y b he f Walter r than I |