Show STABBING DONE IN SALOON Joe Clark Former Pugilist Victim of Knife Earl Gerald Arrested Earl Gerald has been beci a walter waiter in various cafes cabs for many years and has been a a cafe cate proprietor Ho Bc is well known in Salt Lake Ho is a nephew of Judge Gerald who attained notoriety about six years ago by killing Brann cd editor tor of ot the Iconoclast a Waso Tex Uon- Uon Brann had published articles re reflecting upon the tho character of or young women at a Waco university and following a street fight over the matter mattor Gerald shot and killed Brann He was afterward acquitted Earl Gerald is also a a. brother of ot Clarence Gerald who achieved notoriety notoriety no no- several years ago in Seattle in connection with the recall of Mayor Mi Hiram Gill Gw During a n. saloon aleon brawl bral In th the tho Palm Garden bar 25 We West l Third South street shortly after 6 o'clock clock this 0 r I J I. y JOE CLARK OLARE morning Joe Joo Clark 21 2 I. I a n. former pugilist was was as stabbed below tho heart H art and in is now in the tile county hospital l In a a critical con con- dillon Earl Gerald 55 65 a a waiter ratter Is la launder under arrest charged with wielding the Ule knife Both men are aro m married L L. JL IL Crowe 25 s S. S of or or Phipps court bartender bartender bar bar- tender In Leons Leon's bar attempted to stop the tha fight Both of oC his lands hands were cut Gene Gen Ware 1 19 chauffeur for Colonel Charles A. A Birtch proprietor of the Casa Caa road house which operated In Twelfth South street w-aa w Iso also slightly wounded and antI is being hold held in hi the city jl j as 88 the principal witness The police ambulance anco was called to theOld the theOld theOld Old ne Resort rt saloon 12 West Third South street Clark was found by the polIo police poll o lying on his back at the entrance of ot the theOld theOld theOld Old Resort having ba run from rom tho the Palm bar where ho he wa was Ho IIo was taken to the emergency hospital by Driver er D. D A. A Sullivan and Patrolmen Joseph Armstrong and W. W F. F Crow Knife Misses Heart Dr H. H B. B Sprague examined Clark The knife blado blade had penetrated tho the wounded mm left lct side sido Just at the lower point 1 of or ortho tho the heart but had taken a downward weep missing a vulnerable place dark Clark who was wan under tho the Influence of or liquor according to Dr S 0 was waa In a ii precarious precarious pre pre- carious condition An examination of or ortho tho the wo wound nd and tho the condition of the tho pulse caused the police surgeon Burgeon to have the wounded man taken to tho the county hospital Five stitches were vero put In Cro left hand and a lon long laceration across tho the back of or hU his right hand caused considerable considerable considerable consider consider- able loss bee of ot blood Crone Crowe says say he ho wa waon was wason wason on his way to work when he heard t the tho o light In tb the Palm bar lie He rushed In and saw Gerald slashing right and len left with a Q pocket knife He Jumped In tn between Clark dark and Gerald and pushed theta them apart By the time timo the police arrived ed at the tho Palm bar tho the combatants combat had fled tied from tho the resort i Gerald Knocked Down Ware said eald Id there had b b been en n a a. party of them drinking drInIng all aU nl night ht He denied they had been en In the Palm Garden but eald the they had be been n at tho the Rocky Rock Mountain club clubS In Commercial street where thero drinks had lied been 6 served them The They had hart gono gonD to the tho Palm bar bor ho says ys after C G Gerald 11 who ho admits he stab stabbed Clark sa says tho the whole gang ganK Jumped on hint him dl battered up Geralds Gerald's face Is badly which ho bo was wan as the tho work of oC Clark Tho The polleD police believe Wore Ware anI and Gerald Gerad started to fight Clark rk and several others Jumped on Gerald He Ito was knocked down dOW several everal times and finally T wrested ted a knife from his pocket and stabbed his s assailants According to tho the police pollee before going to the Pit Palm bar bir tho the crowl crowd had been In Jn inthe tho the Pe Peery ry hotel bar At the tho Palm bar barthey barthey barthey they bou bought hl one drink declare the police pollee before beCore tho the fight commenced At a late lato hour this art afternoon It was reported at th tha county count that Jack Jacl Clark was 1 still In a serious condition Police aver that the Rocky Rock Mountain club Is Op operated tM 1 by the same ime parties who operated tho the old Dunbar club In South Soul State street Tho The Dunbar club was is closed b by tho tim county attorneys attorney's office tho the latter part of or last y year r. r |