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Show The WulU' k cannery ut I.adoua, Cat. will put up ubout 200,000 eutis i.f fruit this season, besides n large quantity of dried fruit. Tho canned goods a ill require 400,000 pounds of ripo fruit. Hop UuyotBin Oregon are of.'eringto coitructfor the honuropoi I81I at I0J4 cents per pound, Jiic'iis very enemtru glug to tho growers. The hop rulstra aro prepmiiigtointtko extra exertions and will produce more hops fur the inurkol than over before. During tho past four week Fontliorn OalHornltt has oxperincud 11 number of frostB, and In tho most oxpo.ed pistes the young growth on orunuo aud lemon trees was nipped to some oxt- nt. These iHMtB have b-on generul, but nodainuge to frulf Iu reported horn any ipuurter |