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Show FROM STANLEY'S MAIL- Carlees ItrqnMta, Onljr m Very Tew ot XTblch TTare Uanorad. Edward ifarston in his nrtlolo in Scrlbnor's gives the following selections from Mr. Stanley's mall: An enthusiast (bailing from Amorloa asks for Mr. Stab-loy'a Stab-loy'a old oap: illghttflad am I that you ro ones mors la a civilized eounrr. I uavo oarsliilljr watcbta your prue-vulDg from the tlaio you discovered Llrlntonu. You cr j brlolc I X-i. It ybt t.tn laclluo.l to sell tbo cop you woro tUroilfS Africa lumpripared to tfvo you a fuuey prico for it touUJto my colleolioa of cnrioslllcs; It nhall bo preservoa la a glaks case wltli your Damp oa iiu, ' A Arm of tobaebohlsta makes tfaq'fol-loriB'peol')re4et;(T,, tfaq'fol-loriB'peol')re4et;(T,, , " . V i f ,' Will. yob'klfir aeoord ns yonr fraeimis per-mUsloa per-mUsloa toaptxina yonr nobis' Eme, and your pUotosrnpk (might we atk f or jour autograph 1) ton first clasj quality bf dijaraad cljurotte. utile by varaelvea.from the beat and tlaesa lo ' bdeo,ttaf r " , A photographer writes: ', Srei t'ruy ejcpuiw' tho Jlkerty takes by a i-trailsr la, approaching you at a tlmo wha' 'iburlrtaJiand mladmust boaofoU, bcVslnce. to oa-JiftlrodtoaaJj of aa ajmlnnic public, upio iu tnut claim tho proud pokltlou of po? fdnal:tu talk I corot,that of czocuIIdb a portrall. vUs. A pOotlcaJ.soldler in Cairo says: Ibn-jtrly beg you will kuidly 'accept tho la-eaWd la-eaWd Tow alrapla lines from o so aier. I am no povt, buL bsr4 erprened myself as well da poiMbk, ota. 0 ' j ' s , $$' 8-pUo4 kindly to this, and has v made the' Cairo aoldltir very proud. Th,o following lotter Is front .in1 old acquaintance of .the I'ocock days: DCAttBiR) Please e?eta tns for the liberty Ihavotakea lwrltlnil9yo,but lakaowlaj you, aa" tailuit u very grest eoterest In your treavola, 1 contrciaxoa yon oa your Bare roiitra. ,hoplnjyou may lonj llroto IaJy yourealth and hapneu for your labours. I have always uk'n great rntrcit la yobr travota ever Unco that don your boat when the Poooof: brothers was with you and I ihould Jlka a few jlnei from you. as i ahould like ta'em'putta our papers hcref etc, ; '- ' ' J , .: J i . . . ' |