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Show SHOES FOR WOMEN. ' ' it' ' .Sapient fUmarkt Ottered by a New Tork I i' " 'Boerely Man. ft ".VYby-onearth'saldaNowyorkorthe Htpr, day after Whbur's" walk on llroad-Ryay, llroad-Ryay, t'o.a. rjboo and Leather Roviow'cor-, jtcBpondont, "do wbmon who haven't got Brotty foqt, and who kriow'thoy havon't got prqtty foot, if they know any thing; utall about thomsolres, woar just tho footgear that puts,7 tholr fcot at their" 'vp'ry wprst? A woman with bg, shapo- " less fcot.or crooked foot oan afford to wear but ono kind of bo6t a laced ono and nevor a low shoo under any circumstances AJj.utton boootloe9 all' Yory.woll for thorst few days whllo It Btlll buttons trim and snug ubout tho ' anklos, but every wonian knows Jbat It docs this lot a" 'fowdays only; then It loosons and begins to tako on tho sbapo of tho foot, oxagEoratlng'its.pocullarl- tics ovory day juat a little. Apd byandi by, bofpro tho boat la half wr.n put, lt Is aklnd ot caricature-of her foot, with QVpry dofoot and imporfcctlon oxaggor-atod. oxaggor-atod. Tbo laced boot doosn't do this, booauso It can bo drawn up ovcry morn-Inn morn-Inn Uko a, now boot, balding tbo foot always firmly and aecuroly and so aota ns a oorrectlvo against any tondonoy tbo foot has to bo lll-shapod nr.d spreading, llut women do not seem to havo discovered discov-ered this at all, or in very f ow cases, and so thoy go on buttoning up tholr atreot boots with as mnoh satisfaction as it thoy weren't giving t"0 D08t posalblo opportunity to their fcot to bo as pulpy and spreading and crookod as thoy caooae." , |