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Show FACTS FOR FARMERS." QREAT IMPORTANCE OF TESTING) TEST-ING) SEEDS. "-a ' ' ! lb art OMn rj Jaultf Krerj I'arni Mianld Hata fruit More About Khtrp Farm and Stock Mft-llUL for tl the Iloaitbold. Tratlug- Hrrila. Tho seed question is ono thnt recurs to tho farmer ovory year, nnd whotlior ho grows all of his own scads, or purchases pur-chases them from tbo sood&mau, tho Importance, of possessing nnd planting only tho vory host Is just tho Biuno in either enso. Agricultural stations try to help tho furmors In tho practical work of tostlng seeds, nnd giving tho results of their investigations to tho public. Farmors who grow tholr own Heeds, says tho Practical Farmor, rarely rare-ly succeed In gntliorlngonly tho purest and host, for thoro nro many things opomtlng iignlnst thorn, such ns tho lack of proper facilities of soil, position posi-tion and cultivation which tho soeds-mau soeds-mau can possess, it is very soldom thnt tho farmer can grow as good seods us thoso who mako it spociulty of it, for tho crops uro to him tho main object of planting the seeds, nnd tho seed harvest only nn incldont. Tho revorso is true o( tho soedsmnn. In handling his own seeds tho farmor should, thoroforc, bo enroful to tost them boforo planting. After thoy havo boon gnthorcd and packed nway during tho onrly wjntor many will die, loeo tholr cormlnatlng powers, or bocotno injured by execs-slvo execs-slvo hont or cold. Worms will oat into in-to others nnd ruin thorn so fur ns growth is concerned. Innumor.iblo othor nccldonts may bo ull them, which must bo discovered baforo thov nro used for planting. Another thing in gathering soeds, spurious scods of plants nnd weeds will somctimos got nilxod with thorn, nnd tho percontngo of good ones will bo vory small. Trials or tots of soods should, therefore, always al-ways bo mado, nnd tho rolutivo percontngo per-contngo of good onos ascertained. This should bo dono ospoclally with purchased pur-chased soods. Tho agricultural stations do this for tho farmers to a certain oxtont. but cultivators thorn-solves thorn-solves should conduct it privnto tost in their own homes. |