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Show H (, f .BAILROAD RUMBLINGS. H r fi H 'W ,. p . ,There need be no doubt in the H , i minds of the people of Iron county H t i but that railroad communication B Vn , .' , tbe qutslde world is an aBsur- Lj" ' ' dfaot.Already negotiations aro pen T' . ' dn1gwrththeD.&R;G.W. to con-H con-H Ki'' ""eB "ad through to the coast. at. t ThQ.culyfeasibloroutcsthatcanbo H ul JaVenftro Vet before, thp company, m f, .' , ' Qne i ofjfhcso is an already partially . ' worked .road running up Clear Creok HL.' ' " thence JiauBing the Sulphor mines ll ' n lieavar county, continuing south g' ward through Bearer city thunce r.' wtojron county touching Parownn V- Cedar and Kanarra, from which P , point, tliero, is comparatively an V' pe country to tho coaBt. Tlio other P and wo bellevo tho contemplated H ,' route, is through Fremont to faro- f V .', ;on, ?Dd, 'Cedar. While this latter H '' . cou'so might bo tho easier ovor hV 'Which to construct a road, still a . '.. Wyo6 of the tonnage whloh tho "! ," ', olrrJ2? wVhl foln, Willi H out off. Tho Sulpher mines togeih-m togeih-m or with Boverallowgrade ce initins H of the west hills of Beavor county H ... would supplyTmuoh freight for a m railroad. Whichever way the road m j comes iron countv gets it, and tho m timo jb said to havo shortened down H f to months iwhen it shall be con-H con-H t eUuottd. Already tho cars rnu into H Manti, and further extensions are H contemplated as early us possible H in the spring. |