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Show for lima In 'Winter. UH Ono tho reasons why bans do not lay so m-iny er;gs In winter Is luck: H ot water. In vory cotd weather hens will Btlck to tholr porchos nonrly all H day, and not como down to ollhor cat or drink until half starvod. Thon, H probably, thoy find tho wit tor frozon ' ovor, and oat snow instead. No won- JH dor, under such circumstances, hous H grow light In wolght nnd tholr egg H firoductlon Is postponed Indefinitely. H Ot it always bo romomborod that H whon n hen suffers lack ot food or H drink, tho oggs which sho contains H nro absorbod to sustain llfo, nnd as H thoy nro at this stngo vory small, thoy uro doaror feed than oggs fully grown cooked nnd proparod for tholr uso. H |