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Show The payreUe of tho coal mince at Roslyn. V aoblrgton.f or but mouthallod for tM.OOU. Xhl e , vent for wagee aeso,aud was tbo largeet peyro'l inoe the mlneiwere opened. A timely examination ot the 8aeramento Jallk as icvenledthat many prtsonere bad poeket-kniree I and raion.a hole In tho wall nu used to amug-gleoplumudatannclln amug-gleoplumudatannclln Ihe, back brick wal I ad to for pregreiiod Ibat a jail delivery wikld live been pottlbls within a fsw day. F.L.Lleyd.a grocer at loi Angtlei.weishot an 1 Mtloutly wonudod py u highwayman fbnraday. lit was itopptd by a robber while on hie way l,i me.and told to give up hie money box. Floyd attempted te draw hie rtTolrsr.when the robber fired, the bultot entering Field' mouth. He Is In critical condition. The robber eeceped. fSB. XfJaW. t JHeaafeftl Agri ol United Blatee Benttera. H The iceate le a remarkeblV body la mere way e ' H tlanono.Itanembrei itandas lolloweMUacei H J at 60 2at70 SatW H letSS tat 2tS7 H latet 4 at OS lat U ' H lat8l (alST . H let IS 2 at 60 a at 63 H I at IS latftS laltl H lat 77 3t. 2'aiM; H 4 att6 elates 2atW H lat ,JJH lat 74 1ttfl H 4ull2 JH I t.l JM Fle iii.ii.Ihi uroo tuieliailiiu-, bit tn are TSH i cr 7u, and iw jjjii it v. purVd 40. The V eJ laity legielallou bred tf joCthiuf jrt.IlteicobT H likely to pate ihe upper booee. H |