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Show BIOGRAPHY OF DK.MEaBEU. It, vAGol!r,0M.,!e(ir' D-L'D w born Ih Vorbrucke by Messon on the Elbo . iBOQauOI,y' Ow-nany. Jauuury 10th; 18.8. lie was the Bono Jolmnn Gottfried i..iChl?'l.,ino,"Her' IIIa father was a painter in tho ltoyal China factory of Hax- !nii ,tt,'entffd the common school un l.hls sixteenth year, when he entored Collego atDrusdeu. Aftor his graduation ho bccamuitutor in the family of a nob', emunin Bohemia. Returning toDieiiden he become teaehoHn Uie,lt district i-cho..! ac1. ".er.L Prlt,clpd of the JUudlg Acai!omy in that clly. Ha married Am a Mie'li, June 11 h, 1854. Oct. 12' 1865, he was baptieed into (he Church of Jeua Christ of Latter-day Saints by Apostle Franklin ,D. Ricliaidn, bolii(f one of i tlio first toaccnatlio principles prin-ciples of Mormoiiisru in Germany. He with his wife and child, left his native land in IhCo, for the Gospel's sake. Ho remained In Loudon nine montlis, acquhinKBOmo knowledge of the Em; lish language, and in the mean timo pr-paiinu himself for.the Journey to America Ame-rica which roiinired six weeks (o coiiBum-mate. coiiBum-mate. Hlalhtday in theNow WorM also Vvitneisid the burial of his child. He labored aa a tnuelo teacher in Vir-clni Vir-clni a.ln the-family of ex president Tvler from hero he was called to tho Prosidor.cy of the Philadelphia conference, where he remained two years. Pursuing hi journey wi etward. ho Jolnod an ox tw in company and arrived in Salt Lako City. Hept.ad., I860, He became tutor in the family of president Brighinn Younp. nnd sliortly after teacher iu tho 20th district school. I n 1807hbWBB called on mission to" Bwitxerland, leaving 8 family in almct destitute circumstances. He was made- President of the Swies and German Mission, and humed tho first numborof Deratern.a German exponent of tho Gospel, which still continue itabi-week lypnblicationa. In 1870 ho returned to Amorlca.resumed his position as teacher In tho district school, shortly ho was appointed Profeseor of Languages in tho JJeseret Univo rsily, and organitod the Normal Dept.in that schoof. Picsident Young appoln led hlmin 1870, itt Princl-.al Princl-.al of the Brigham Young Academy at l'rovo, which Institution ho organized August 20th,1870,wiU, an enrollmVnt of20 pupl.s. lie labored faithfully as Principal Prin-cipal until March 1st. 1880, when ho was called to act as Ucnoral 6uDt. of L. D. 8 Bcbools. Ho slill holds tho pnaltlK of Principal of the B. y. Academy, but his duties as General Bupl keep him traveling moct of the time in behalf of laht organization. J. Y. A. Student |