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Show HH Aug pooplo ofton burled atlvo, L cllhor by Interring tnoso who nro nut Ldoud or by confining rattonnl porsons 'VA9'11"13 'or "l0 ln6ano? ff ono fcrajAbollovo all that sansntlonal itAlpon tho subject, ho would HMjl to bojiovo a comotory it Hkuro than ono HRTunatlo tho Po aroh-onoray for tho confine-01 confine-01 tho whom HPBsbos, for corrupt roasons, to havo pout of tho wuy. As a mattor of net, MHV It is unllltoly that thoro Is ono ruse u V- v year in this country ot tho lurlatof H persona who nro allvo nnd thoro nro V vory fow lnsUincos of tho CDiUlnlng of Kt J eano porsons ns lunatics. |