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Show Explaining a Ptizzlo. When n wheel is iu motion dons the top movu faster than tho bottom? Nine people out of ton would cry nonsense at tho moro question. Both tho lop aud bottom ot tho wheel must, of necessity, ne-cessity, it would seem, bq moving forward for-ward ut ono and tho s.nmo rate i. a, tho speed nt which tho carriage is traveling. Not so, however, us a little relleetlou would convince you. Tho top Is moving iu the direction of tho wheel's motion of translation,, explains tho Illustrated American, whllo tho bottom Is moving Iu opposition lo this motion. Iu other words, the top is moving forward iu the samo direction in which tho carriage is progressing, wnilo tho bottom Is moving onekwanl, or in nn opposito direction. This Is why nn instantaneous photograph ot n carriage In motion shows thu upper part of the wheel it confused blur, whllo tho spokes in the lower part uro dlstlnetlyvlslble. |