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Show BABYHOOD. I never soo a baby's eyes, SoSnnoccntly bright, I Dover bear tho cooiiy; voice, jFull of a avf o"t delight, llut U.ou.'hu sl come of future years Of sorrown, bl ntwltb Joy For every Ufa. howover bright, ' Uax somuthlug of alloy. 1 never hear a baby's cry, Of either fear ur pain. And hear tho Joyous, rlppllog- laugh. That follows quick again. But thoughts will uomo of bitter tears. On some far distant day. And of the laugh that t ten will utrlve To blda tho grlet away. Tho clasptn; hand and toddling feet, How oager to begta Tho raco of life, nor know, nor think How much to lono or win. Ph. baby smiles' oh, baby wllesl Oh, happy baby play t You arc to hungry, caro worn souls What suushlnu la to day. Jennie H. I.ynll. In Ladies' Heme JournaL |