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Show ' MANIA FOR LITIGATION. The Meet CoMly Luxury In Which a nn I'ertoo t'nn Indulge. A mania for going to law seoms to possess no inconsidorablo portion of our population. Tho calendars of our courts lengthen with ovory term, and Judges regard re-gard ultbdUmay tho frightful accumulation accumu-lation ot vusch. Cynical peoplo Insist that tho Imrnonso number ot young law- yors turned looso upon tbo community ovory yoar has somothlng to do with tho tromondous Impulso that has bnoi' given to litigation within tho last 16 w'. years. i Immoral gltulors out of employ Imvil boon known to locllo idlo boys to bruA-' tbo windows of tixomplary cltizons,' with tho view of creating a demand for ', tho sorvices of a purHfUktnj class; and i It is asserted llhulounly, perhaps Uikt peoplo who llvo In glasi housos aro i oggod on to throw stonos nt oach other by newly-Hedged counsolorM, nbo bopo ( to profit by thu ditiu.igo. Jlowovor this may be. It Is quitu curtain that tho pro J portion of litlguuti to tho population nt largo is much groulur now than It was ton years ago. , ' t To bo sure, tbo demand for all cqstly luxuries increases ovory year; but law In so ruinously oxpenslvo, n a general rule, that one would tliitthr the most rockless spuud-thrift would hosltato to Indulgo in It And yet, strango to nay, grave, sedate and oven apparently pious, self-denying members of socloty guro continually gotting ontanglod' ii' suits, cross iuitsnnJxihcaAtetMJM from which, 4BM thero no tsc9HHWMaWloV .cernod bavo boon thoroughly ptgconeX Anybody can ajt lio legal ball in motion; mo-tion; nobody cdn ti;ll wjiemitwlll.sto. . It cum ndt be too strongly ImfircsHi'd1 ti)xn Individuals of a litigious spirit 'that Ikerci aro usually, seven roqUUltos to succoss it; a luw-sull-ra good vadsu'fn. good lawyor, a good' Judgo, good; witnesses, wit-nesses, a good Jury1, a .good long- 'purse und, last, -but by no means least iaipor-' tant, good luck. -N. Y. Ledger. '' |