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Show , . , , '" IleglnnUg rb. 2,, Union Paolfle. ptiner faliii are1 run tluoufh from l'oeatU' t' Silt Mke, liiue-id vf iaakiu Oiloa tho teruiuu , n hret More. , , JJi'fir Ihr BUvr Pool ,Onramltt; llopfMentu-tivolajler llopfMentu-tivolajler le-ilaed tbit lie liau buuiht au told "liter, bui U wai ner tho BIlMr bill ba lmioufe a law, ThOlloWgllturtpMnd a resolution urst'iK Srn lor blernian U vote auanit tha admluluri o(BatorcetBrice,on the (round piat be li a reildent of New York. The Supreme Court granted the pelillen of the Donilnlon'.Qpwtment to bring the Bberlng Sea dl'eute into pourti Ilia Whole qoeitloia .will noiT be argued on iti merlMi ( ., t A rtKlutloa wai tntroduoed la the Senate piopoalng an amendment to the Conatltutlen, provldUg forth election or United BUlta Bn-atorabyadlrect.Tote Bn-atorabyadlrect.Tote ortbepedple. Judge HetTner trio receipt of teme eamples ot glena and carbonate ores from the Tallymen feline In boaver country, 8 miles cut or 'the fauona Horn Bllter mine. The aamptci.kre very finv, and way-npatayf are expected from thtin. HlocK Lxctange Journal. |