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Show fc.7 -THE HAND Utf GOD. A Btrango Btory Told by a filr-V filr-V . mlngham Gorroapondont. Vate of Thirteen Ctonrederiire OflldStfl ' WIio Acted the "Lett Supper" la Uranken Mocker Not Ono lie '( calved Christian Burial. s ' ? A few days ago a man was found dead hero In the guttor, writes tho Ulrmlng-bam Ulrmlng-bam (Ala.) correspondent of tho St. Louis Qlobe-nemocrat. Even In death thoro wasi mute look of terror In tho bloodshot eyes, and the bloated faco had , grown palo and haggard at tbo coming of tbo grim destroyor. "Drlnkl" Bald tho coroner's Jury, but an old man who camo and looked fnr a lung tlmo on iho palo, dead faco tiafd. with a shudder, as ho turned away: .'H was tha hand of flod." This man who bad died In tho gutter was tbo last of a fated thirteen, and In tbo death of iucli and all of them tho Christian will road tbo vengeance of n Insulted Deity. , At ,tho leading holol In a Southern city In tho summer of'lbOi thirteen men, woarlng tho uniform Of Confederate- 6t-flcors, 6t-flcors, sat down to a dinner. Evcry man In' tho party belonged to aVrand old Southern family,' and many of the names aro illustrious in tho history of tho country. Htery" man was a cavalier. They ero Mowers of tho' Old South, reprepenUlltcs of tbo chivalry of tho sunny 'antlt then enveloped In thn gloom of defeat and despair. Every man thoro bad been a gallant soldier, lu tlio'(;on-foderato tlio'(;on-foderato army.' They had returned from tho field of defeat to find tholr ) homes destroyed,' their slaves free, tholr wealth gono and many of their nearest nd dearest relatives und friends dead. Tho mooting at this hotel was a chance one, but talking over, tho situation In which they found themselves, thoy'ro-solvcd thoy'ro-solvcd to forget (ho horror of It" for j- awhile to drown their sorrows, in drink. They sat down tw dinm-rs and round f. ftct-round r drinks, wiu vidcn.il ' S .Sjoob tho bloody ncenes 'utiwnr, tho Vis:" I tons of ruined homes Jrjcre nil Jforffottvri "' West tucjr bee'wo-nif rry", hTn'jrv;iJlesH. "Let us call,tbls iucc)t'atr)per.'tiil denly ezclalmul ono'oT, the party, and tho suggestion-wt wjt'b ItihUiit ap-prcval. ap-prcval. They, ra'litht nev r rrretnjraln, eo "tho last supper' ould bo a Uttlriir ' namo for thofWJl wii'c'ro'. rt'sson had' I fled. More drinks ofi'.ifiiiired.' uvrtry man filled hlar4rhm:''thp jfp.hts. iweo" turned low anduW(b'irteen ,men declared de-clared themsolTcK'CliVlsi'api hjs.twulvo apostles. A young man wiio had voro-' manded a regiment -ah tod iu rujtp ut Chrlnt and, for :tb6 dedaafoiCivcir mm atsumed tho 'namo of onVuf jljin Apos?5 tics. Tbcro was,i( wranglp' as.lo whd bould impersonate' Judas'i ,'ut pjoro drinks wero ordorpit. nri4:tlin" ,. young . Lloutonant agroetl'to adt tho cljaracter-of cljaracter-of tho betrayor ofvDl!iiS'avioUf. , It was mldnlglit.'but pfalsof drunk-en drunk-en laughter auoktHlio' Wboc In urery , nook and corner of tllo' old 'ifpuso. ARan'' and again tbo dOC.-ihter'n wcro ,puss?d around, and tho blaipbem6V .mockoriy" I of tho last auppei'-Wbriv on. .'A ,JllWo ' was .called for, anilthr vijjiriirafllcw i who was" linpershnnitrfg '(to 8nvlour turned to tbo Nev-Tcl'tamept a,n'd road bloud tbo solemn words of Clifls Tbo reading was interrupted 'nu' and then bysomo coarse JcHtIo'riliM(laui;htor, while expression tiko "Jitdus ,jas tha bottlo." would txclttt)ieilinili.,o( tho drunken monto a poln't tbaddiplntcly drowned tho volco'of tbo' rcador,, ,At tbo propor point intlie Veadl'ng hreiul was passod around, J and ''n'le'wliig .w'? ' represented by glassil nilbd w'th.o, brim with brandy. Pa'li'r- ' ' ... "Ho that drlnkotb'-frora 'the bo'ttle. with mo shall betray 'tdo! exclaimed tho mock Christ In a tfilo manner, and placing a decanter to" blillps huswul lowed a quantity of brandy, then'pjsbed It to Judas across tbo tablo. Tljlwart, 't grpotod with peals of laughter.. a,nd again tho othor mock apostlos yelled "Judas, pass tho bottlot",' , , All night long this mockery went on, atid when morning camo tliy tlilfU-pn men woro In a drunken stupor, tw'as several days boforo thoj ail'Tt'-covered from the effects of that night h Uuuauch ory. Then thoy scparatrd.r- 4'hai sifp per ,bad indeed been thuin last; thoy nevor 5ict again. Front that night tho venpeanco of God followed tboao thirteen men Evory thing they undertook failed, Apples of gold turned to Dead Sea fruit In tholr hands. Ono by ono they wont to tho dogi, Lnd ovory man of tboru mot a horflblo and disgraceful doath. Ilo-peated Ilo-peated failure In business drovo sumo of theij) to desperation an cHcc. Ono of tbci was lynched In Toxis'hrr mnrdor. Tboa-oung man who had impersonated Chrls was drowned in tbo llrazos river whilofiicelng from a vlgilanco commit", teo onlL stolon borso and bis body was v M uev recovered. Another, whllo in a druukaa etupor, was caught in a burn, ing bulidinffand perished in tbo flames. Ono was stabbod to tho heart by a woman bo had betrayed, Mid still an. oilier was mardercd in a low brotbol in a Western city. So far as can bo learned, not ono of tbetn ovor received Christian burial, ond their graves aro unmarked and unknown. Tho man who died in tho gutter and was burled In tho potter's Held was tbo lastof tho tblrtoon. Oorern Yourself Accordingly. The following is said to be a literal coFyof tho rules posted on a school-bousu school-bousu door up In tho lllg Uend country! tach pupil is required to make a bow en entering tho School Houso of morn. Ing also on leaving of tbo School Itoom of evening. Tbero sbali bo no profaln angtagc used In School nor on tho play round nor tiall tbero bo no pinstlck-np pinstlck-np pluqhln, (.cralchin, nor no taggln, i.er nb uaeary Whlsperin in School. No piifi. stall llovo tbo School bouso without with-out pern:lJon of l,bo Teacher. Noun-carynotcn Noun-carynotcn frtfsn scat to scat. Nofltlnon tMifiad frouinor to Hcbool nor no Nick-i.atr.1'.. Nick-i.atr.1'.. Etory pupil over eight yoars shall ho subject to theso rules, and tho-teacher tho-teacher ii to mako allowenso for all pupils pu-pils under eight and enforce the rules uccordon. If any scholar brakes theso vulcs tha uliall bo punched by a |