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Show HP' bbbbbbT j K ' C Thla is HI, Valontlno's day. A Lot Us have incorpora tlon. Hr There are 31,002 rntlroudf locomotives H K in the United Stales. V Yi Another bitch of city lota was sold V f Wednesday afternoon. K ' Notice tho call for bids publlehcd in VV this Impression of tho Nuns. Hfc & Work on tho completion of our tabor-H tabor-H ) Dncle ii to bo bezuu forthwith. L' There havo been 25 dlvorco cases set bbbW.b('' -1 for trial in tho district court, l'rovo, HvV xi The Little World, a raaztzlno for bbVbV jf boys and girl, has arrived. It is chuck KiKP ; full of good things. bbLB - - J An oflbrt will bo mode at once look-H look-H fJ Ing to tho reconstruction of the Mooting ssssssssW ? i&foJ Uouso at- Kanurra. iisssssssH mf J T'1Q 8,uJontfl f the Acadomr aro pro-B pro-B TV paiing for aconcortto be giVon at the BMV lose of tho pioaent term. BBSb -.The water question claimed a largq BBSBSBWr'lon of tho tlmo of our citizens this MWMV ,11m matter is Dot vet fully settled, HhL mi?0 years ngo a certain pleco M,? on main this city, RfieU at 260, but it domands 7fi0 MrWPTke prices bt which the dry lots over LLLLS V the crook were sold last Monday 'shows bbbHs that real cstato demands a good price t tu H Cedar has few if nny houses forront. bbbbSX Several persons irom the noith havo K' made application for' houses hero but bbLUBk' B0n8 caB lu' BLLLvr Ntoy-elght $1,000 Territorial bonds bbbB L we sold on Tuesday last by Auditor bbbH T Vtatt, Thoy draw 6 por cent Interest H , and run for 20 years! bbbbR ' H it. W.J Heyborrio makes n typical F' auotloncor. the way he run up tho SbTbTbTbTbTbW! prices on thoso dry lots was a cautiou. Trntft him for getting there. bbbbbbbbbh The, Iron Co.Ntws is being comm. m ended on all pides for its ablo expose V nf Iron county.s resources, and the ury b is, keep it golag. We intond to. bbLbBN Harry Pront, the genial manager of m I tbo Consollduted Implemont Co'a afT- H Mrs at Milford, lias takeu up his abode bbH,' iu Salt Lake, and W. J. Klnnody la k filling, the position at Mllford. BLiiB T We Bre Ploawxl to note that como of LH't our People mo agitating tho aocoMlty B V of .reservoir building. It Is a subject bat should bo'morri fully discussed. ViLBLC'''M?' b?cominP an anurad fact in the k7iowiomoo('tho good people of LLWiMB fofi j$ftb0 work o( n HZ-SCjl of the Vaturdar Jfnjoyablo VflPftWup greater He play of "Lost In London" which Minder rehearsal by the Cedar Drara- Kks A(iqcktloii, wai recently very ndltably .produced by tho- l'arowun Jraniatic bbbbbbbbbV M Tie cutting down bf the cotton wood bbbbLBH- ' Kp0fi but our friei'ds should Vbave sufficient regard for tholr neigh -.j bor welfare to clean up tho debr Is B'j "lch now Is annsianeo on tho stroots. LLLLLf ' ,.Al.ln0 9sdon cl,y 'lection held last BBHt Uondar, J.McNutt, Liberal, lost tho V, ftfarpralty bv 18 rotes. Tho Citizen b B candidate W .H.Turnr, walked away 'ith tho laurols 'of rlotory. HTho UUh, Nevada & California Jt.ll H.mpany is onco raoro raising a news-per news-per breozo. Tbo road has beon a Maper railroad bo long that but fow people havo any reiianco in it left. LLLLLK) II ''.n1?'1". lhat n Crand or petit BBB-BV'"V will bo railed for the March term LLLLLV.. Co"r', but that only tho civil calt-n-LLLLK.m k1" bo d(srxod of. If true, there LHB.Vt It m rnJlcInK lu the Second Leceiver H. W. Lawrenco is propar. BBBBBBH-VJyrainon Church property In H M."0 P'an of proceedure Hhi which, the kj Boon upon BBLLLLLLLLB,,tn1cnt would bbbbHP111'"1!, causing contsqr-bbbbVt contsqr-bbbbVt l e ' oxpectatit att- bIbHP . BOutb rho.y Jespleo tho bbbbbF0"8 i .? s,eP"8 on railroad tics and Puog bills with tho bleak w(nd8 o IV March howling about them, ' 1 The Medical Buporintondonta ro-m ro-m Port of the Territeiral Asylum, shows LLBV (?Uion0n0r, Pti6,nt8 '" ylum Deo. .H f J1890 20. During tho year42haV(j H ' been admitted, and thoro have beon B l r V Pa.t,ent8 nler troatmont .Pa-i .Pa-i tlonts discharged 32, number diod 9. Xanarra has no schodl now in con, T (equeuco of tho recont flro thoro. There B isnotnuotherplacoln town whore the K. Ifbool could conveno except it wore at b-bbHbK uH!: Hr.Wi4'8 bouse, that gentleman B wai lo Cedur thiq wook to too If ho HHK could g tposesflIon or the Bplkln'a H ju" before .April, but he reports a bLbbLI i, ,cotnPnV of ydung jvoplo of Cedar H has been gotten together nlio expect In HHtLB .'j'-ji'luieto preecnt Hie recetly LbLK K$ JWbwutltaWnnna In flvo acta HbLLV f."!1'11' By F-urc0 of Inpugo."ThU HiBi mati?,TnammiK ih?yfStu ,0 toke th,s ,T on, J thecotf mun ty as much .epo, iaLiBKr Z.l "' El,ouU1 b() oouragiMl and BKruo " I'nuueMt oigunizatlun HHBBBllm SIBiDiHBHBBHBBlBBSBBlk: - r'ir1- s BBBiBlBiBMBMHBMBlWiBHBiBMB'i ''" 'li.'.iT lliF w4te ff Uw I 1 1 hero are ood jicoplo in Iron county and thoy are beginning to appreciate tho Iron Co.Nkws. if tho itoadlly in. crcuMng subHcriptlon Ht can count for might. Thi paper is endeavouring to help Irori county and build up her vast reourci-s, and it Is a source of Joy to us to find our efforts are being uppro. clatsd by tho i-toolo hero. Of coumo tho subscription Jin is not what In delro'i, but It is oxpctod to nee it mucli more extenJve .in the count. Talk tho paper up to your friends if you can do so conscientiously and cct them to subscribe. If any of your friends visit you or any of your family takosatrip away from homo and no mention is mado of it in tho home paper don.t Ret mad and feol liko you wanted to kick tbo editor, just kick yourselves for not callintr at tho office and telling him. Wo cannot fioko our nose into everybody's bus ness to got ail tho local news, but wo will gladly publish anj tiling that may bo handed in whon it will bo of interest to our roadors. What camo noir being a disasterous flrooccurod at tho re!denco of Mr. M. 11. Daltey n Tuesday night. Mr, Dal-loy Dal-loy was lifting a Htudenta lamp from ono place to auother when romo of ilo oil vol into tho burner anil threatoru-d danger, by some means thq oil holder got out of place and foil upon tbo floor scaUorlng tho oil about. Iunltlon Vok placo, and but (or tho gentleman's pros ence of mind u ronllairratlon would havo followed. Bo seized soino cloth ing near by and .smothered the flaup. which were brightening in three til IT. erent places in tho topm. No damage To obvlato tho present incon venionce, of Bonding a tolegram fiom Heaver via Nophi to Frisco, tho Western Union Telegraph Company, has bought the old telexraph lino reaching from Frisco to Heaver. Tho same company has fourteen four-teen cart of tolgruph lino repairers and builders strung along tho lino between Juab and Milford. They aro engaged In thoroughly' renovating and In many rases almost entirely replacing tho old lino with now material t iieavvv straight ct dur' poles, woll cleaned of ull'.bark and limbs, beinir substituted for the' old pino poles which wore continually decaying and fulling ovor. After tho .old line is put into good condition, 'the entire lorco of men will be employed iu building 140 or 'more miles of tele graph lino along tho Milford uud Plocho extension of tho D. P. Utonkm.' |