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Show THE JEWS GATHERING. It is truly strange to road of a big roal estato boom at Jerusalrin, tho city whero David dwelt , but such io actually taking plucu.ut tho present timo Work on the Jaffa and Jerusalem railway has been progressing flnoly this winter, and soon may be hoard tho conducto-calling conducto-calling out, " All aboard for Jer usalomT'Tho rumor of this strange awakening of tho city that 1ms slumbered for so many centuries is serving to bring hundreds, nay thousands of JowBirom all quarters or the earth to. their boloved oitv. Soon thoy will be riding right into its very gates, and then tho rovela-lion rovela-lion recorded in tho book of Nahum wiill bo fulfilled, which says: "Tho ohariots ahull be with flaming torches, tor-ches, in tho day of His preparaton. Ihey seem liko torchoa: theya hall run jiko lightening." f " The United States Consul Gill-man, Gill-man, located at Jaffa, gives the first official notice of tho gathering of tho Jews, to tho state department as follows: "Tho Jews from all landB contin uo tocomo to Palestino to reside in increasing uumbors. Many of thorn are aged persons, who immigrate im-migrate with the solo object of dyinig in Jerusalem, in accordance with thoir religious boliof. so that thoy may bo buriod on iho Mount of Olives. But othors of this peoplo join some of the Jewish agricultural colonies established under tho Roth child patronage or engage in trade or trallio. The decreo of tho Saltan obliging tho expulsion of such Jews tho modification of which to refer only to Jews coming here in largo numbers "- practically its repeal was- brought about through thn iff arts of his consulate. I here refer to it in order to stolo that this mod-flsation mod-flsation is of lato faithfully adhered adher-ed to by tho Ottoman authorities. Indeed, it wuld seem to po most liberally construed, ns I havo leur cd that recently 400 Jews at once landed at Jaffa, without tho least obstruction, which is audi cient proof of what has been acconl lish ed." How glorious Uipbo tidings aro to tho Latter Duy Saints. It confirms their teachings, that Jerusalem shall soon bo inhabited by lsreal, and the "hw go forth from Zion at)d the word of tho Lord from Jerusalem." Jer-usalem." It should ulso be convincing convinc-ing evideme to all Christianity of Untruthfulness of the manyp:np hecies relating to the gatherieg of tho Jews. -Enquirer. |