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Show I'rult on the Furm. Whilo growing fruit for family uso, it will pay, on many farms, to extend this epjclul lino ot work, and raise a qunntlty for market. By tomo owners own-ers an oxcuso for not doing this will bo mado. They will bo put in tho storeotyped phrnso, "It don't pay." Tho samo phrnso has beon usod in regard re-gard to corn, und wheat, nnd potatoes; pota-toes; nnd a fow farmors havo really believed it, nnd havo dropped theso crops, nnd gono to raising tobacco, or hops, or somo other crop, which sometimes some-times pays ory well nnd nt othor times pays vory llttlo. But the groat majority huvo gono on rulsing corn, or wheat, or potatoes, nnd they nro still a good distance from tho alms-houc alms-houc Formers havo been known to cut down good trees because apples wore so low in prlco that tho ownors thought they would bo better off without with-out tho trues than thoy wuro with them. Thoso farmors did not havo to live many years to find that thoy had mado a croat mistake- Thoy also learned that tho mistake bolnngod to that numerous class which is much moro easily mado than recti Hod. Ono of tho great troublos about fruit-growing on tho farm is tho common, and, with many pooplo a vory strong, ton-doncy ton-doncy to go to oxtromes. Thoy elthor do not want to sot nny trees, or olso they wnnt to put out a great numbor. |