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Show '" I fc I ! iiusdakd and wira dik' A short titrio agn Jacob Mathison, a man conBtitutionaly weak and consumptively, consump-tively, inclined, uob obliged to to tu bed, from which ho never a. win nroso, as ho died last Wolnesday. During his illness nls wife was confined; her ufatornal labors uiid the attention and devotion boatowtd on hor husband before the birth of her child, caused her death tho day following that on which her husband brentheil hU .last and whon her child was but thrro weeks old. As both Mr. a d Mrs. Mathisen u ore unconncious several days before their sad detnixe, neithor know of the othor'a death. . It Is said that misfortunes never como singly. In this ce It is cortaln. iy truo for yesterday the mothor of Mrs Mathisen passod awav, and (ior rather and tbo littlo child aro neither of thorn exported to Hvo.-Mt.i'leCBantCorrospon. dent. & L, Tribune |