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Show A RESUSCITATED CAT. The Strange Storjr or thn Ohoat of a Urookln Fallno Tat. "Doo" is a flno, big, look-coatcd cat which lives in tho "always-open" drug storo noar tbe city ball, llrooklyn, and which Is always admlrodby ouatomora, says tbo New ,York Tmos. Whoro It camo from Is a mystery to tho clorks In tbo storo. In fact, tbo. cat Is regardod Vlth somo awo bocauso of tbo peculiar mannor of its appearance Sovoral years ago thoro was n cat In tbo drug storo, also called tbo Doctor, with flno markings of a Mai teso pattern. A good-dlsposltlonod animal, ho bad many friends, and waxod fat as tlmo wont by. Ono night, howovor, thero happenod to bo a show at tho old llrooklyn llrook-lyn Theater, In which a troupo of largo dogs starred. Tho theater was Just across tho way from tbo drift storo, and ono of tbo dogs happened to drop In to tbo apothecary shop'. Tbo Siberian bloodhound splod "Doc" and mado for him. Tbo sat wan caught unawares boblnd somo boxos. Gamo to tho ond, howovor, bo whackod tho bloodhound across tbo ear with bis paw. Tho big brute thon seized tho "Doctor," gave him ono shako, and "Doo's" last hour had como. To mako bis death painless a 'big doso ot prusslc acid was glvon and tbo romalns consigned con-signed to an ash barrol. Two wooks afterward In walkod tbe present folino representative of tbo storo with exactly tho same markings, tbo samo aizo and of tho sarao sex as bin predecessor. Tbo cat startled tbo clerk. "Why, 'Doc,' whoro did you cbmo from?" ho said, whereupon tho big cat Jumped to bis shoulder and purred In tbo same bass volpo of tho old "Doctor." This cat has romalnod in tho store over slnoo, and tho clerks aro still In doubt as to wboibor it is tbo old cat ot a now ono. Thero aro no signs of tho surgical operation. It is truo, but the animal Is othorwiso tbo exact imago of tbo original "Dootor." Tho samo habits aro observed and 'thero aro other slgnr that would point' to bis being a resurrected resur-rected cat. Now tho "Dootor" Is fat and laiy. Ho allows no otbor cats on tbo cornor. I'ra-i I'ra-i olsoly at 2:30 a. m. bo asconds tbo elo vated railroad stops and jumps from tbe station over onto tho roof ot tbo storo, whoro ho remains till day-broak. What be doos thoro no ono knows. No mice or rats over enter tho storo, and the "Doctor" does not get muob live food. Ho is very fond of soda wator, and sometimes some-times attempts to turn on tho faucots in tho fountain w Itb his paw. Ho flloo? in a oornor undor tbo prescription counter coun-ter and usos a flno soft spongo for a pillow. pil-low. Ho has boon known In a flt'ol curiosity to tasto liquid drugs, but thoy soom to havo no offeot on blm. |