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Show A Ilor Great Voire. Thero is a llttlo boy up town who was 8 years old a few days ago. IIo has so many things moro than nny llttlo llt-tlo 8-yoar-old needs or wants that his indulgent mamma finally said to him iu porploxltyt "Harold, 1 really don't know what to get you for your birthday, birth-day, and I think I Bhn.ll let you chooso this tlmo what it shn.ll bo. Now you may say just whatyou would llko most to do or havo, and you shall havo it." "Just what I want to do?" queried Ilarold. "Yes, for this one day." "Then I don't want to havo anything, any-thing, mamma; but I do want to do Just one thing awfully, if you'll let mo. I want to put on some raggod clothes and go all alono out In the strcots and lick a Mick. I know I can." And ho did. Now York Sun. |