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Show AVER'S isssr "t IfHhs Uver lj.'TJI Q H eomes torpid, if tho IT II nlninOe , -n H bovrel are oonstfoa'ted, pelf tbo stoaaaek' H falls to perform Its fuueUous property, M Ayer'a rilU. They aro lnvaluakle. , "''"".H ForaoroeyearsIWasetVlcUBitoIirer. IgaaH Complaint, in consequence of whlchil " B suffered from General Debility and Indb ..,, H gestion. A fow bojtee of Avar's P11U , v-leH restored me-to perfect bealth.n-W.Ti . . LH JJrlghtney Henderson, "W, Va. jjH For years I have relied more po , ,H Aer'a lUla than anything else, to, , - v H Reguiat1; H my bowels. These-Pllla are mild iaae 1 w .H tlon, and do their work thoroughly, I ,K 'H bavo Used them, with good "effect, lat ,. -w M cases ot Rheumatlem and Dyspepsia.-. B O,. V. Miller, AUleborougb, Mass. H Ayor's Pills cured ma of Stomach and ' , . , . , . , , ! Liver troubles, from Which I had suffered., 'i -rf ";- for years. I consider thelri the best 'pills., vtit' ' , ,. geVjal . tiiado.nnd Would not .bo without' them..,, , '"jpi Morris Gates, Downivllle-, IT, Y. AVH I was attacked with Bilious Fovea. 'aafaataaVTgfl which was followed by Jaundice, and ' geaVJaVJaVJJaVjal was so dangerously 111 that my friends atBHjpjpjpjpjpB despaired of my recovery. I commencodj r'ABjBjBjBjBjBjHjBJ taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regained my customary ' ctrongth and vigor,'-. H John, O; Pattlson, Lowell, ebnukau aaLmLmgtaaaaH J,a springT suffered, greatly from a . troublesome liumot on niyslde In spite, Waaaaaaaaaagtai of every effort toouretblseruptlonltla.E B created until the 'flesh became entirely J))))))))))))))! 'raw, I was troubled, at tbq same time, "VAal with Indigestion, and distressing pains in ', BBV The Bovvols. v , , Uy tbo advieo of a friend I began taking "'' BS Ayer's Tills. Jn a short time I was free ''aVJjal from pain, my food digested properly-, tha' 4 aorns on ray body corrrmenced healing, 1 HJ and, In less than one month, X was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. , I hare long used Ayer's Pllis, lu my H family, and bellovo them to be the best pills made. S. G. Darden, Darden, Miss. BBV My.wlfe and llttlo girl were taken wltk" H Siysontery a few days ago, and I at once " cgan giving them small doses of Ayot's l'llls.tlilnklngl would call a doctor if the disease became any worse. Iu a short time the bloody duebarges stopped, al H palnwentaway.ondhealthwasrestorod, 1H Thcodoro Baling, Itlchmond.Va. tT . H Ayer's Pills; Prcv'fcdbyDr.J.O.A7trSC., Lowtll.Uaav H j Bold by all SealeraTla MetUaUs, H LETTER HEADS I At This Oalao geaaaaaaaai eaaaaaaaaaal gaaH m -,,,.,-yM.nHtfw."""" miff ttnsfpajgBM I mmmWWWW ... I xr- e. . ISaaaaawaaaMgaaMsai |