OCR Text |
Show State or Onto, Citt or Toledo i 5j . Lucas Cocntt, ,, f FniNK J. CliEKKT makes oath that he ts u the senior partner of tbe firm of K. J. C'UENGT & Co., doing business lu the City of Toledo, County snd btate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN- DKED D0LLAH8 for eaeh and every case of ' Cataiiiih that cintiot he cured by toe use of IliLL'S CATARUII ClIIlE. i FKANK J. CHENEY. i ' Sworn to before me and subscribed In my I presence, this Cth day of December, A. 1.. 18S6. ' JsnaLr ' A. W. OI.EA80N, Notary ribllc. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and sets directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces sur-faces of the tyttrm. Send for testimonials, free. K. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, O. i i. EETEoId by Druggists, 75c Tbe woman In an Imitation sealskin sack Is Inclined to plash easily. A man who hasn'treltglon enough to bold him level in u horse trade needs more. What a beautiful thing a genuine unwashed un-washed "Rosebud1' Indian must be. Mrs. Wlniloir'atfootlilnaHrrup, for Children Chil-dren teething, softons the 'ini, reduces inflammation, inflamma-tion, allays pain, cures wlud colic. 23c. a bottle. A small boy Is not necessarily Impecunious because he Is strapped. . PRICKLY ASH BITTERS One of the most Important organs of Iho human body Is tho LIVER. When it falls la properly perform Its functions (he ontln system becomes deranged. Tho BRAIN KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS, alt refuse lo perform their work. DYSPEPSIA, CON- STIPATION, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY DISEASE, DIS-EASE, clc, aro tho results, unless some-J some-J thing Is done to assist Naluro In throwing A off the Impurities caused by tho Inaction I ot a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so necessary will be found In I Prickly Ash Bit fers ! It pels directly on tho LIVER, STOMACH rnd KIDNEYS, and by Its mild and calhart'.f effect and general Ionic qualities restores these organs to a sound, healthy condition, and cures all diseases arising from thess causes, it PURIFIES THE BLOOD, (ones P Iho system, and restores perfect health. II your druggist does not keep It ask him lo "dcr.itforyou. Send 2o stamp for copy ol "TfJttllOaSE TRAINER," published by us. . WOW ASH BITTERS CO., ftrodetorn ST. LOUIS, Ma 9 I cheerfully recommend Salvation Oil for chilblains snd sprains. Wchave tested It nt home for these troubles, and three applications applica-tions gave entire relief lu each case. It's tho lions liniment. J. J. NOllrOl.K. (of J. .T. Norfolk A Bro.,) 00 B. Charles ft., lialto., Md. An honest man ars up. 1 he other kind has lo pay Conn. Next to petting married, probably the most Important duty the ordinary man has toper-form toper-form In a lire-time la to run for a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Sjrup when the baby has the croup. When Baby was sick, we gavo her Castorla, When aha was a, Child, she cried for Castorla, When ahe became Hiss, she clung to Castorla, When aha had Children, ahe gave them Castorla, Tbe pugilists are the fellows who make tbclr money bsnd over list. Swedish Asthma Cuiie never falls. Fend your address. Trial rackitra mailed free. Collins Brothers' Drug Co., bt. Louis, Mo. Ignorance of the law excuses no one except ex-cept the lawyer. ' A peculiar fact with reference refer-ence to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is, that, unlike sarsaparillas and other blood- medicines, which are said to be good for the blood in March, April and May, the " Discovery works equally well all the year round, and in all cases of blood-taints or humors, no matter what their name or nature. It's the- cheapest blood-purifier blood-purifier sold through druggists. drug-gists. Why? Because it's sold on a peculiar plan, and you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more? " Golden Medical Discovery" Discov-ery" is a concentrated vegetable vege-table extract, put up in large bottles; contains no alcohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to derange digestion; is pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. The "Discovery" cures all Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, as Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Fever-sores, White Swellings, Hip - joint disease and kindred ailments. SICKHEADACHEI "w - A- .1 Positively cured by PADTCDO tbese Llttlo ruin. LflA I L. It tJ They alaa relieve W " I tellW treMfromDyepepsla.In-BlllHlmIS treMfromDyepepsla.In-BlllHlmIS dlgeatlonandTooHeartj VITTLb Etlns. A perfect rem H lll?n edy for Mzzlneaa.Nause I IVLK OrowslneM, Bad Tub rillsn Q tb Mouth, Dotted flLLSk. Tongne.PalnlntheBtde. Mil TOMPIU ilVEB. The) HsnsjriH regulate the Bowels. tisiiMHUi lunlr Vegetable. I Price SS Cental CABTEB HEDICINE CO., NEWYOaS. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. sammmmmmMmsmBmummmm Itf. II. GARTI2X, Iff. I., EYE! NOSE, EAR THROAT! SPECIALIST. Oradaatsot Hush Medlosl College, 1871. nil noise Eye snd Eur InOrmary, l&U. New York rolycllnlo, IliSS). Glasses fitted. Artlflcial Eyes In Stock. 1104 O Street, . LINCOLN, NEIL Mies' FRIEND MAKES CHILD BBRTH.IASY If U80O PBFORB CONFINEMENT. Book to -Motuirs'' JUit-inrVnia. BUABriKLO ItEUIILVrilll CO ATI.AKTAJCA. 1 SOLD BT ALT. DUUOOISTS. HOW TO GET WELL is a question of vital importance, but it is equally important that you use some harmless remedy; many people completely wreck their health by taking mercury and potash mixtures, for pimples and blotches, or some other trivial disease. S. S. S. is purely vegetable containing no mercury or poison of any kind. And is at the same time an infallible cure for skin diseases. Treatise on Blood and tjlrln diseases freo. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. -z-SaSK l4i Cmchestcr Enoush. Red Cross Diamond Brlno A E-c7Tl THt OBIOINSt AND OINUINt. TBi nlr Safe, Sere, n4 nU.tla r, 1 form). VVy "TBI CC l4le. Mk Ofuf ttil tor nfeA'M.r'. 4. ibl tHmnit Vrad la Ui! Q1 Gold bttt.llle y I lT bx.i ,m1M Ub tli. rtbbM. Takentaerklu4. Xtfut 3uttuutiont nd iwn.fiu. V 1 ( Ar illpwi. lnpMWlrS boiM,ilDk wpp.r...rdin;.roi.. roynterr.lt.. Al!miitit..r .redes .r4. BfO 4r In .un.pi tar p.rtituUr., tMitaiooLl., .nil "Kellcf for Ladlr, in f.ntr, br rrtern Stall. V" TV 0,OOOT.iUnufU.. Ao Pr, CHICHIkTSn CHCHICai CO., Mo4l.il henar. Nr B1J 07 all LmkI ItrazgUU. I'lllCAllULfUU. I 'A. BC3 Dost Cough llcilfclno. Tlecommuntlod by Phrslclans. KS ErHs! Cures wltoro all cIho fulls. Pleasant nntl agrecablo to tho fSfll Cuj taste. Children tako it without objection. 13y lru;;i;l6ts. Rn C ra cured bu . DlRECTlDHB i ia BmTliV WoIinds, cuts, Swellings ' THE CHARLES VOOELEB CO.. Baltlmers. Me. ITOn ONB DOTJ.AK sent ns by mttl, vrs wttl J- deliver, free ot nil chime., to any perMn In the DnltedKUtes, all tho totlonlng article laretuUr packed Ina neat boxt One two-onnr ootlto of 1'uro Vaseline 10 cts. Onstwo-ounce botllo Ya.ellue lomads IftctA, Onajarof Va.ellneCoM Cream IScta. Onocaka of Vaseline Camphor Ice lOcts. Ono cake of Vaseline 8oap, unix-ented..., 10 eta. Oneeakeof VaellnePoft p. scented 3&cta. One tiro-ounce bottle of While Vaeellnsttcu. 11.10 Or for stamps any .Inula article at the price. If you hare ooca.lon to use Vaseline In any form be careful to accept only genuine goods put up by us In original package. A great many druggi.u are trying to persuade buyers to take VASKU.NK put up by them. Merer yield to such periuaalon, as tha article is an Imitation without Talue, and will not (tlio you the rmultjou eisect. A bottle of llluo Boal Vaseline ta sold by all drugsl.ts at ten cents, cntssnaorcii '!. fo., 14 st.to su, i.w T.tk. C3 rrk "Down With High Prices.' JBr THIS SEWIN6 MACHINE ng oxaxai- $101 -aoZtV aOuaT Top Buggtes, ISS.es IUraesatTJO aUverSal Itoad Carta.. .. 10.00 Wagons,io oa B emMVu ,,c" rarnlly or Store ticale, 1.00 r S7W ill Asso-lk.rarmera Bcale,.,. soo rrAlaa!Am W0lb. flay or Stork scsls.. .000 TfaSnKaaCota roreeand Kltof Tools.. ....tooo -IH 1000 other Articles atlliltlilcA. cnicAoo scan 00., caica 111. BiDlirDC CsasUala3Tsloall.Vtxk.ea at. In CriO kimi, nnflri, nlu;, din aJADCe aUi ET Sl Caaary tlril.,uocklac bird., nUnOC m C IV parrot.. lt.oni. gol4 Sih.on DOC FANCIERS!';::."!," LOVERSof BIRDS ".: riEu,oorr.MSi..rhUivdir.hiKr. jBTntrefti.oidue, ltroacM( tad but CftUI lNtTdr ua J. 4 dti frt, b nuii sMSEE"n'pw IrMninMr-iT J ' J ''v oz- yHHT One cent a pkg. Up If rare. . Cheap, pure, bett. lOOOOOOextras. TTtm Irsr"'' lleautllul lllustntCtl Caulocue free. aEXfe1 B. II. Sliumvray. Bockford.IlL SWEET POTATOESgytwy ,T ssasai ol on tho share No ozperlenc required. Directions for sprouting free. Address. T. J. SKIMMER, Columbus, Kansas. STEnEOPTlCONS BaUOa! Co. CHicLf.G' MAGIC UHTERHS. MANHOOD f SffiEVSt rul tmpnidenc, rannlnff l'mmlme lwr, 'erTou pfbmty, Lot Manhood, tc.,hiTlnirtrtiiilltrVaciery known rtm&iy, hai dlMM.ti-afle.HBMMB.l.Mb lie pndMBd rerert. Adtlnna J. IMMHHI k How to win at Cards A Aller.cte. Aaiirelhlng.arntrrreto atr. an;onooarr4ofie..tamp.toMrsBlBBBBB HporUira. itddmai or call lu rwraon,oMH "- Lux Boroaa, a Uaiou bquaro, ft, y. an 3 jr. In but war, lOadJutlicatluj-cUlms, atty awce. TENTS AND AWHINGS ?lCf oia nrVlV" j1- ;-t. Ca nnlni Outntfc Ollrlothlng and i1Jn,.nA,0,,,Si"" "Sfi'v, 0"A"7f'raiiuitvN. U.0 CO., 1113taniaiuSt0matia,Nab FMEsMaSEEDS A fiTUM A SR- TAPl-8 ABTSUaXEtni mp.urTMin.fc!.co.jtoeiiKTn;.ii.FREK TAC0MA!I0O?r.,1'IM Carefully InresteU Inn? IHUUntH l,rre bring nnuallj from twenty I U U 4 t. Tettua. TacoMAiK.TaxlCo.. Tocoina. Waah Howto Learn Modern Languages Without cost. Addrrss I.lncnlst, llartsdale, N. Y. 0 a BARt f .mau pliQwi aaaajatQen .I ITtJaofHtt, AHbksdUsTl4lsMsMsrflartsMrtaU4ksy U ill AU (fast ftbsw) m swut'sIv r-Mk4 IU Urfsy illwinM Ml-J I I tJ VlsW to SOsi, AUAm, lk 4, UiaU fwk. B. J. MV I AniPQran h(lT0 miller feet, Pol 14 laHUICOojmrort, Pamphlet free. Bm-plo Bm-plo pk.. 10o Tho I'cdlno Co., Mew York. a ! B W. L. DOUGLAS IftH K.00 Oenulnr, Hantl-sewcJ, an elegaatand flB.isiJ'LaB stilish dress shoe irblah oommenda luelf. ! SMt'tM 1.00 Hand-aeiTeilWelt. Aflnacalfaboeiun. ' iHKotllH equalled for Btyle anddurabUlty. ) SlSI 3'B0:Oooily.ar Wall la the standard dreee t aH w Hboe.atapopule-prlee. Hi AataHH 3,B0 i0,lcmn Shoo . especially adapted JiH - for railroad men, farmer., etc H .aatstHslllllH O.00 fur I.adlea, la tha only hand-aerred an,,("'ll?"!hl,P'11" price. O.SO Llongola Nlioe for Ijxllra, . , rww rie- saHaHaHaHHai nZZ nnI'rtu"s"dProratscatAbeoaiepopular. aaaaaaaH PQ.OO fihne ro-Lmllea, nl SJ1.70 fSr Misses in Lv..'i' ?'J Hl.alr soellanoe foretrla. ela. !, .tadrerUad local agrnl cannot aupp j you,oeaddlrrci ojjsalaaaaaal CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO., ITH ttholnali and Ittlafl dealera and Jl.nu. 'ksHHl facturtr of It ( bbbbbbbbbbh FUKNITUKK AND CARl'KTS. I YH Carry a complcto assort mon t of m H overything In their lino, from tho very ' VBhJ clipnpest to the best. L Wu nmnufncttiro a greater part ot V JfHSJ stock, especially for our retuil trade, Br BV und uro Belling poods nt the very tow M fHB est prices consistent with good work m HVH ninnehip. ' When you visit Omaha you nro in- Vfl vitcd to call und look through our If H stock whether you wiah to purchast 8) j Carpets, Curtains and Window Dr I. peries at the lowest prices. Ij VHJ Special inducements mado to hotel Ij Bfl or ieoplo furnishing Iiousoh through II ApJ OUt. ClIAS. SlUVKRICK & Co. I' 1200-1203-1210 Farnam St. Oinahn, M- ' DOILINQ WATER OR MILK. I! H EPPS'S I 1 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. H , JH cocoa ym LABELLED .2 LP. TINS ONLY. mW3gEttmm H Q Vl n' nkttMsiikiBitt a pBpapapapapapapapJ CCUBsUrruaiU6ryt'BfHH L'ZfSlV A I trim tWleotUnieff? UattViU xyetimtrJiM RS3fi!A tlifpl.. QsiMi W nirUiloa. UiMewiXrWWM 1 VH AnUiftf 41 ploivi wltn full dlrreUe, !! BJjsftpJH TelefTph sVlphkbrU. UUIM, CJrdaV yBBBpBpBpBpBpBpBpBpBpBBBPH iTilVn tor rm yf, Ouwi r Bb1 nff. Leiun, VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIH flffsfaV.ijWeU,, tbDffdl9nbAIt.Unt. Rt1 llo.U- ilVlH nllrSArer hi and rrarlr thU 1110 HAJ.QA.UL BVABl .tlvBvBvBvBvBl OXjmWKt AdJret NAHSiy OOr, M 4 KtUUn HU .T lHftfiiiiiiiiH 0 a Jltff01ithoelinowle1jr4 I.B .iBBBM leAd.Dffmnedrlor&lUh V; TIH siVTiiVvfl piivitUillieuesodaeo.A H .lWnl-T,0.?al;iVW cerUlncure-Iof Ibedeb lit t . '.fH alVsH . iO MfODlCDL . a t BtJ WTaVaVaVaVaVaVaVsVsVj H )irdilrtr . Irreacr.bItiiDdfec1"ftr WP flH HBTniLVHi(lCHtr'Jp'irJi in rvenmroeuatog it la mm rsfH iJsm. ..a.s.ti.MtTi nr-nrri all offBrer. H i(bbbbbbbbJ "i. 'MJ.ETDNtR,MO.,OearusUt. 1 HasV JatfrVi Bolt by nrasrolaU. n ,,,,,, T.ttlfcyural rKicetLoo. II H MEMORY 11 Mind wsnderlnc enred. llooka Iraroee Isf aalslBSBS In onarvanina. Toatlroonlala from ail Q .ofoBBBH parta ot Iba aloba. 1'ropaclua roai Bl lBSSSSSSSSSSsl raKC, aont "n .nplli-tkHi ta lmf. mi Itaktsssssssssssl A. LuUette. gIT l'-Ula Ata. tHYttlu - MM aTJlH"t, lTHt'SKIbT!IHr, H J llI'aCJ'", a uo u. H. a.oM W al fai PoLZAassVVaT i2mt u ad larl' botlta aaS ' M ToTaTallllllS BlaaT?afoaYaWlAVk,,,lrl'lauuat.a'rooS IB (aBeBeSel asfflf J Virlfdhoa4aa,iokm l ...l fatakMdaBa.JaSlLiaiS.'.rood. UrOro.i1.ia, H jSB.HB.H ur is tiik i uniso rooo is ""r-. wooi.itlosi H IU cut SICJkS. OO, ralamsr. Maaa. .Halalai "Wherl slovens get Hdy they polish the 1 m o. bottoms of the pansr-When 0,M H IM never tired of cleaning up. JJL BfH Two servants in two neighboring houses dwelt, j vHB But differently their daily labor felt; r$M Jaded and weary of her life was one, . ' I wm Always at work, and yet 'twas never done. ' , . Vl MsH The other walked out nightly with her beau, 'lUk But then she clpaned house with SAPOLIO. . Z 1 GALVESTON'S t- 1 W -AND " V M ,fl INTER-STATE TRADES DISPLAY, I 1 FEBRUARY Cth TO ,0th INCLUSIVE. ' M fl Don't fail to see tho U. S. SQUADKON OF EVOLUTION. Never before in M fmM Southern Wiiteti?. ' m y H SPANISH AND BRAZILIAN SQUADRONS EXPECTED. f j H Bpeclal Rmna Trip Ttur'sts Tickets over all llrtrs. AsU tour nearest tUket aent for v"l atsHI Illustrated Harder, rroBrumme unl further Inforinitlou, MMg JHI ! , ( CV li a W :sHrl , vj -, "L- .. - . ,r asSsWl Jfc? .SaPl" SlWJ a- JMSaaw. ... .1 I i I r taSllllllllllllllBHIBBalaaaiHB |