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Show Nitta fur riautlng. H Tho promologlst of tho department B of ugrlculturo says that nuts for plant- iiiH lug should invariably bo solootod for , I H superiority of size, flavor or thinness 1 H of sholl. As early us posslblo nftor H tholr maturity thoy should bo plncod V"H in boxes of soil, tho conditions of - rjlB molsturo and dopth which nro' provid- ,' I cd being closely pattornod nftor thoso . '9 furnished by nature in tho forcets. 1 : iH Tho chief object of tho box is to pro- v il vont ralco nnd moles from disturbing 2 j ' k tho nuts boforo tho tap-root has bogun j V H its growth. Tho boxos of lmbeddod 1 '.aLI nuts should bo sunk to tbo lovol of '... :'jH tho surface In somo placo protected jlsJH from pigs, squirrels und chlokoos. la sH tho spring, whon bursting open with H thn growing gorm, tho nuts may boM transplanted to tho nursory row or tH tho spot in which tho troos nro dosiH |