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Show a I WINGED MIS3ILE3. I Tho grcntcst repeater In tho world thok S Joker who thinks ho only hai frosh jokes I to tell. It was tho jrrlm old Dr. Johnson who aid: "It Is worth 1,000 pounds a year to havo tho habit of looking on tho bright. Ido of things." Geologists havo proved that tho diamond t mines of South Africa aro situated In. r . 7onts or chimneys varying from TO to 1,600 r feet In diameter. Tho poor, pltlablo pnrvcnuo who has Just. 1 "broken Into" society fancies In lilt silly , Intoxication that simplicity Is ludicrous and., ; fashions respectable ' There Is ono Chinaman In tho regular army of tho United States. Ho It a gool roldlcr and an excellent pokor player. John is usually aa export with cards. ( , A surgeon soys ho can toko any human. 1 fuco and with four cuts with tho knifo and j a fow stitches so alter Its original oxprcs- , slon that a mun's mother won't know him. Emerson says: "Ono of tho Illusions Is that tho proicnt hour Is not tho critical, dcclslvo hour. Wrlto It oa your hoarts that every day Is tho host day of thoyear." Indian ponlot aro brought from tho southwost and norlhwost, whoro thoy cost oa an average of $13 apiece. They aro sold through tho states at from JW to JTiO a head. Tho current fad In Boston Is to cover almost ovorythlng with gold paint. Out West tho popular paint Is silver. Kvon tho Western statcsmon put oa silver paint. Lord Randolph Churchill says: "X would suggost thnt a good digestion Is tho osscutiul quality for tho 'all-around development' de-velopment' of n human being. I know no-other." no-other." Marriago Is a llttlo oxpensivo hi Krnnco. ' Tho brldo must havo two wedding dresses ouo when sho signs tho civil contract and ono when tho religious corcinoiiici nro porformed. It may bo on the prlnclplo that "mlsory ' loves cotnpnny" that induces Puck to say: "It Is a gieat comfort to thoso who aro hard up to know thnt tho well-dressed man always keeps n llttlo behind tho fashion." Thoy sny In somo instances, a liar may bo honest and toll tho truth. A defendant in 0 Now York court confessed thnt ho was tho "most notorious liar In tho world. a 1 can't help It. I would rather tell u llo ? than not." ' , Suicides In Lclpslc, Gormany, aro moro numerous lu proportion to population thon ln nny other portion of tho world. Tho number of Inhabitants thoro Is 1 million, j, nnd last yoar 450 of them thought life was ' not worth living. A piano has been exhibited nt the Edinburgh Edin-burgh exposition with Uo seta of ntrlngs and two sounding boards. Each Uoy, ? .' " '""i therefore, strikes six strings Instead of three, and u pedal makes It possiblo to j play on threo only. I Perhaps Canada is going to tax churches I lu tho noar future Tho preachers' stipends sti-pends thoro havo heretofore been exempt fi-om taxation If bolow $J,03D a year. Hcneoforth thoy will bo subject to tax as tho Incomos of other citizens are. Tho wild cockatoos of Queensland, whon plundering a cornfield, post sentinels to give an alarm. If ono bird is shot, tho othors, Instead of at onco taking to flight, hover screaming ovor thoir dead comrado until many of thorn sharo his fato. Pcoplo who bellovo thoy nro In tho right nro Hablo to Insist too strenuously on their point of vlow. Thackeray says: "I bollovo bo-llovo It Is by porsons bel'ovlng themsolves In tho right that ninc-tonths of tho tyranny of tho world has boon perpetrated." Sixty yoars ago Allen G. Thuriuan's deslro wns to go to West Point. Ho says : 'I wns ambitious whoa 10 yoars old to become n soldier. Iaabillty to got a cadot-shlp, cadot-shlp, and tho opposition of my mother and ' toy undo, William Allen, provontcd " Tho high schools In Germany seem to bo regarded as superficial. A papor has bocn signed by 407 Gorman university professors declaring that tho education ' now given In high schools affords a poor foundation for scientific mod leal studies. Tho Wollcsloy college girls ovldontly need moro physical culture than lacing. Tho girls there hnvo been measured, and 1 the avorago waist measure of tho 1,100 students was found to bo 24 2 Inches. Phy, I siclans saytbat this Is too small for health.' ' I London Is Buppjjol to bo tin conter of tho world's highest civilization, and yet I you mny road this discouraging ttom : In London town ono woman In every tvonty I Is a paupor, ono in ovory thlrtoon Is lllltor- nto, and ono In every sixty is a gli drink. H or. Senator Jonos, who lives In California nnd Now York and represents Nevada, H has built a flno villa at Monica, Cul. It H overlooks tho ocean and adjoining it he H owns a 80,000 acre-ranch. Tho senator Is n. H man who takes good sized vlows ot all B questions. B Dr. Schltemann's widow Is 30 year H younger than her distinguished husband H was. Sho Is hardly moro than a girl In H years, but sho Is a beautiful woman and H has bocn most carefully educated. Sho tM knows several language besides Greek, IB and Is eald to know nearly all the Iliad by HJ hoart. Hj Georgo Willfum Warren, tho well-known H organist and composer, says that tho writ- HJ lng or church muslo Is largely a labor of Bb love. Ho began composing ovor forty HK years ago, and has published ovor oao hundred works, but tho royalties ho ro- jLHJ eolves from thom form a comparatively HK small part of his Income. HK Miss E. O'DUfTy, a young woman about- ' SOyears old, is ono of iho largost Importers HjB and dcalors In wild animals in this coun- H try. Sho Is tho daughter of a Dublin druggist, and has a natural liking for the business. Miss O'DufTy Is not tho first of H hor sex to eater this calling, for somo of tho most successful doalers la birds and. BH animals In Europo aro womon. MB HBfl |