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Show Illnta to Ilonaeknepors. HHI For nournlglo, brulso liorso-rndislt AVBVBb and npply ns a poultlco to tho wrist. jBjBjBJ Kxumlno nutmegs by pricking tbom BVBVJ with a pin; if tho oil sproads it is a jAhjBjVjBH sign that tho nutmog is good. BJVJSJVJVJI Keop splco of ojsjjmVJHBVHVBVJ so that jAhBhBhBhBhBV occur whon ono Is bflBjBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBj tea made by pouring bn)flHVBVBVBVBVBV over rollaMjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjB in Is a,VjBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBj vSjBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBJ Flno coppor wlro may bo boughtHHVHVHVHB tho pound and is much choapor, osBHHVHjBjBH strong und us good looking us tho VjHflHjBjB wire. VHHVHVj When any ono runs n nail or a wlro jH in tho flosh. hold tho wound ovor HjVBhJ burning sugar ns soon as posslblo, and JVVH it will prevent soronoss. X SBVJ Tako blood stains out by saturating S flVJ tho spot with korosono, thon wash out flVH with slightly warm wulor. Hopoat flVjHJ tho oporutlon if stains do not como jHjl out easily. VH Ilubbers nnd urtlos aro very useful itsVAH in cold und wot woathcr, but should iBHV always bo removed whtlo in a warm BHjBjB room. Rubbers nro not to bo rocom- BjBjBH mended for constant wear, bocauso JiwVl they interfcro with proper vontllatton HBAI To burns unsnltad butter, froih oil, iwVfl yolk ot egg or cold oroam should bo HjfljflJ appltod ut once. An 03penlnlly good AVVI effect Is gotten from linseed oil and flVjVJH llmo-watur in oquiil parts, or from HjHjhJ blcarbonato of soda with tho roquislto JHjHjhB nmount ot wjttor to mako u p.tsto. ,HBHH Ovor such applications should bo .flVflYI placed only it very light bandago, not vJVJbVJB a. thick ono, which will gouerata jHjHja |