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Show hlirrp. In thoso year of drouth and agricultural agri-cultural dopresslon, with our lnnd steadily diminishing in productiveness, wo begin to look around us for something some-thing to fill up tho money ptirso whon our two main grain staplos fall. And shoop scorn to fill tho bill, or wo might call' them tho dobt paying and land improving machine of tbeso U. S. This is why wo put thorn nt tho head of tho list of stock. No stock pays a liirgor per cent on tho nmount of monoy Invested than shcop da Aowo that raises two lambs nnd tho wool that is clipped from hor will pay two hundred per cent on tho monoy invested invest-ed in hor, nnd thoy bring monoy in from April to August, just nt a tlmo when tho farmor has nothing olso to sell, nnd Is tit his greatest strait to moot his dobts, and Is u yearly Income Our wheat mid corn may fall, but tho wool nnd increuso do not. It takes but a small nmount of monoy to start with n lloclc of sheop. If wo nro not ablo to buy it hundred, fifty or twenty-flvo, twenty-flvo, buy flvo. nnd in a fow years you I will havo nil you can rannnco. And ns wo said before, ns our lnnd becomes moro worn from a constant rotation of crops, wo must begin to look out for tho futuro. or it will bo tho gcnoral cry as it Is now in somo of our Knstorn stntoj. about worn out land and nban-donod nban-donod farms. To buy commercial fertilizers fer-tilizers In theso timos of agricultural depression, whon It is ns much as tho iarmor can do to meet his Incidental oxpenscs, Is tin up hill business. It Is choapor nnd bettor to mako our own manure nnd sheop grazing over onr pastures will distribute their droppings drop-pings ovonly over tho lnnd, nnd wo do not havo tho expense of hnullng it out. |