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Show DIXIE MINING. Thomas Judd, who is up from Washington county, gives a hopeful hope-ful ucoount of tho mining prospects thoro. Tho Dixio Alining Company havo a copper initio eighteon miles southvvebtof St George; which they ore developing. This initio was years ago known ns tho Port inino and produced over threo hundred tons of ore, which was shipped out and Bmejted. It is largely carbonate ore running pretty high in copper. Tho company is run ning a tunnol to tap tho oin at a depth of 200 feot. Lately this tunnel out the top of a big cave, which np, po-irs tp bo a groat wonder. The tun uel tupped it by tho blast breaking though tho thin shell loft in its cutting, and this being at ono side of tho tunnol, pormilted them to drivo onward with it, and .thoy expect ex-pect to reach tho vein in 'about G5 feet more. But this cavo still remains a Wonder. A ropd was let down 100 fest with a lighted pandlo at tho ond, and it showed no bottom. Thon stones wero dropped, aud these could be heard as they struck bore and there in dosqont for fully thirty seconds. Mr. Judd thinks tho cave must bo nil of 400 or 500 feet deep. ' On the opposito side oi this hill one half milo distant, there is a large pave, whioh has never been fully explored, and it may bo that the ono lately discovered connects with tho old one. This mining is only a half milo from tho old B.ack Warrior mine, which was run soino years ago by Paco & Co. Mr. Judd thinks their company will havo an excellent property when they get railway' transportation, ,! that is Grobably in thdnenrjuluro through jeltiotfrAud Western Company. |