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Show -i'Si'Iihu i rlE LOVE-SICK. Xhe InralllbH- Tt AUoptrdby the Know-liilt Know-liilt I'iirlor-Car Porter. "Ilardly a week goes by," said a parlor-car portor to on Echo reporter, "that 1 don't eco a bridal couplo Just starting , , on their honeymoon. 1 don't exactly know how I can tell them, but thoy aro o plainly marked to my oyes aa If they ' had tho words 'brldo' ond "bridegroom' stamped In big lettors on their foro hoads. There is something about thorn that gives tbo wholo situation away o 'dndof cllng-next-to-mo-darllngalr. Of ourse. I bavo mado a mistake now and 'ien. but it's very seldom I do, and I'vu if ten found out, after changing my mlnfl wo or tbrse Um"8, that I was rigUr ifter all, though certain nppoaranccj ero against It. Wo bavo ono test ilcli never falls, and when a dotibtfuL oty comes wo try ii on them, Just to o sure, you know," 'What Is tho test?" "Well. I'll toll you. -Not many wooks ago a couplo got Into a car and sat down jvery quietly, as It they had boon used to It all tbotr lives. Theso didn't scorn to havo tho brido and bridegroom air about then at all. and from external appearance ap-pearance tboy might have been brother und sister, or married for years, but still toero 'was somothlng thero that mado no suspicious; so whon I saw them together to-gether I wont to tho nowsboy, and 1 'lays: Mllll, hero's a doublo party! KOt out tho sample, copies.' "So Bill got his tests and walked, through tho car. IIo offorel books or! newspapers to ovoryhody, and whon ho., jjamo to tho suspootcd party ho took out A bis pllo two llttlo books and said, so that nearly ovorybody could hear him: Very usoful books, sir: hlnta on houso-J kooplng and hints to nowly-marrlod people. peo-ple. Only twonty-flvo conts." i "Tbatdldlt. The, girl po as rod as J rose, and tho man blushed and said u weak sort of 'N-n-n-no.' Tbon thoy looked at each other and sort of sniggered, snig-gered, and I caught him full in tho oyo and smiled a sweot smilo, giving hint it respectful wink at tho samo tlato. It was nllv6cttlodln aralquto; tbaro was llo,'ovbt"aboutlr., f "I 4-4 rt"ii- "Thero aro plon'tyYof other ways by vli It'll I can spot a'b,r.Ido and kride- -room, and tfieyarc us taio generally aa .theteSL j 'Tlio, custom of throwing rleo after a, b'Mal couplo always makes It unplcas. ant for tho parly, us lots of rlco is ul-t most suro to stick to tbsfr clotbos, bats, und in tholr hair." "Wby do you tako such pains to Had out whothor thoy aro nowly married or not?" ' "Oh. when they'sce mo tumblo to It wo generally get a good tip Just for luck, tfttll Itiioiv." ' - ii |