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Show wmmmmmmmmm I INCORPORATING. $' 100.000 Is The Cawtal Nameu. The Hold ownors of Cedar have hoon holding sevoral meetings lately late-ly in tho interest of their water tights, unci in ordei to avoid unnecessary un-necessary litigation and hard feel ings which frequently grow out of an unBotiled question, have concluded con-cluded to incorporated under tho name of tho Coal Creek Rcservois and Irrigation company, with a cap ital stock of $ 100,000 divided in to 100,000 Bhares at tho par valuo of 81.00 each. Tho existence of tho corporation is fiity years. All rights to tho U80 of tho waters ofCoal Creok and acknowledged by a majority of the water owner and tho water commissioners, shall be received as capital stock in tho com pany at tho following raeB, Primary 25 por acre of water rights, includ ing all ditches, flumes, dums head gates etc., belonging to tho several rights of water turned into tho coin pany, and shall be bo , credited tn each subscriber to tho articles. |