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Show K:(l The most dangorous broad that man BL J can ont, both for hhmolf mid tho com- Hkr rounlty, is tho. broad ot charity, as it is Hr at tho prosont conducted. Whon it roun Bi enn oar 11 broad, clothing, and sholtor K by his own honest tabor, it U n'clm6. B against tho man and a orllno ilgalnst H tbo community to onooura;o him to K oat tho bread of charity. Tho fnlao HK tontlment uud fniso philanthropy ot K the past hftvo much to nuswur for In B thj prusout qondltlon of tho very poor Hl in clvllUod countrloi. Tho dobasln? K of thopublla Qonsoiofloo In this mattor B has gone hand lu hand with tho deir- E rod at Ion 6f tbo Individual und ehurlt- K "bio organizations, ns woll ns tho poo- HB pie in genertl on this subjoct. neod PVPL tho healthful tonloofn cold , bath, fol- PPpK lowel by rigorous moral friction. |