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Show igUfrHpEyENTION . ' The members of tho Southern District Church School, met in con vent ion at the L, D. S. Sujiiunry building, Parowan, Jan. 81 st 1801, Chairmun M. II. Daliuy presiding. Tho roll cull disclosed an absence of tho facu tios of the Beaver, St. George and part of ParowoitStuko academies, but tho exercises of No-phi No-phi M. Savuge, St. George, mid Joseph McGregor, Beaver, were present. The abienco of tho exercises exer-cises of othors not present, was con sidered excusable by the convention. conven-tion. Prayer wap offered by Bro. Alma Hui6h, principal. Parowan district school. Minutes of previous meeting, Deo 27, with thoso of extra session held Monday,' Jan. 20th, wero read add accepted. Tho oxercises were presented as follows: Leoture, School Government, by M. H. Dalley. J Object Lefieon by Miss Sadie Meeks. Exercise on "Borrowing and Cur-ying" Cur-ying" by Edwin Cutler. Owing to alack of timo, all tho exorcises ex-orcises prepared for the occasion wero not given, but wore hold over for tho noxt meeting. iho convention adjourned, date ana place to be announced hereafter onedicliou by M H. Dallbv. |