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Show Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is takon; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tho teste, and ncti gontly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, j l Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho ays- 1 tcm cflfoctually, dispels colds, head- j aches and fevers nnd cures habitual ) constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ; J only remedy of its kind ever pro- 'j duced, pleasing to tho tr.sto and no- i ccptahle to tho stomach, prompt in j its action and truly beneficinl in its j effects, prepared only from tho most ) healthy and agreeablo substances, , its many excellent qualities com- 1 i mend it to all and havo made it ' tho most popular remedy known. j , Syrup of Figs is for salo in BOo j and Si bottles by all leading drug- ' gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro- 1 euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. ' SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. uuisviiu.Kr. new ronK. n.r. I "German Syrup" For children a tnedi- A Cough cinc should be abso- ' and Croup lut relif.blc:1 fA mother must be able to ,' ' Medicine, pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, . or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It I must be plain and simple to admin- J istcr; easy and pleasant to take, i The child must like it. It must be , prompt in action, giving immediate immedi-ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end $ fatally or otherwise iu a very short time. It must not only relieve quick u but bring them around quick, as 4 children chafe and fret nud spoil v their constitutions under long con- ' . finement. It must do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of medicine in a child is not desirable. desira-ble. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as J well as young folks, and make Bo-schce's Bo-schce's German Syrup the favorite I family medicine. w:w ww j If you have a COLD or COUCH, nrute or Icndlnf? to ) CONSUMPTION, SCOTT'S EMULSION I Of PUKE COI XAVEK Oil, 5 ANDHYPOrHOSPniTES ( OP LI3TK AND SODA t IS ST7XUB OTJXUU 3TOZ1. XT. t I This preparation contains tho stlmula ( I Una properties ot tho ltimitphntplMet i and nno Kvneeatnn Vod ifeer OU. Uaed ) by phralclans all tho world orer. It la aa i palatable at tnllk. Three times aa efflea- I i oloua aa plain Cod IArer OU. A perfect t I Emulalon, hotter than allothen made. For j I all forma ourhttlng DUrases, VronchUls, consumption; i Scrofula, nd a a Flosh Prodiicor I there is nothlnc llko BCOTrB EMUISIOH. j 1 Itlaaold by all DniMlata. It no ona br ) I profnao explanation or Impudent entreat-r I Induce you to accept a aulwtltuto. ( ' Whea I air etire I donolm4nineralrtofc)pUtn foraUmaasdthtnluiTathraintaraac-Ja. Itrnua radical con. I luTe made the dlaaua ot irriCS, CFI- IdtPSrorFALLIMOSIOICNBSSalira-laiicah-idr. 1 warrant mr romadr to care th irant taaea. Bt"0 I etbara ba? failed ia no ruaun (or not now reoil'lns a etv. Band at enca for a trutba audaFroelSoV-aoi H n-rinliUIblaremedr. OlvaEipruiandPoitOffll". II. a. itOOT, .11. Q 183 Tporl Ht.t M. ? K nn T rnHbandwrneartrrmMtiitlg-liia . .11 A ''"" hi'"-'. 1'rt'iHiid fur li Jc IA AOililnrtalie. J. IU lliiyAOJi, UU1U LUiloxluobaiilraiid90u,Uulfl: LADIES wr,.t0 '.or ,fr5l'i ,? 8am UeOonwit frae'S kMUIKa Aula. JwiiUBclilel8&UoaatU'iJBV,r'1f W. N. U., Omaha, . 653-M-5. 1 |