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Show I HOME TALENT. ' Winter la eminently tho Beacon H of amusements. Dances, theatres, H ' concerts and shows of various kinds H . aro crowded into tho few cold mon- 1 ths of the year, and thon comes a M long spell of quietudo. The peoplo 1. look foreward to the time when m ' these amusements shall begin with 1 great expecta.uoy. In tho sranllro m towns the young peoplo should pro M vido these occasions of ontertain- m ment. the fathers and mothers havo H spetit much time in days gono by M for this and now feel to retire from B the list of merry makers and hand fl over tho honors to their sons and m daughters . In tho way of theatricals L the youth are expected now to car- Hf T out the work. This soason Cedar K'' home talent has presented one pieeo H oa the stage. This piecq showed that 1 talent, plenty of it, can be found H here, and that there is no need of M its being imported. Still, however, 1 the work has progressed so slowly H with home talent that outsido com- M panics have iound plenty of room M to slip in, and also plenty of desire H to patronise their snows, so much 1 bo that the wealth of Cedar has B been reduced several hundred dol- H larg in cash. This money might 1 , , havo been retained at home had m our young people taken hold of the H i business In good earnest. H j Iron county has an abundanco m . of home talent, 1j tho various, bran 1 cbes, that requires oiHbIcJo talent M of a high order to eupcrcedo. With B theeo advantages at band,' why will M we make room for oihors tocomo H in and deplete our small stock of H . wealth? Why not tako hold and by M , . , -our own ability retain1 the same? H When a home company produces a H "" ' play, mbneysimply changes hands M 1 . . it doe not leave the town, it is uaed M J . in the town for its interests and advancement and a double benefit Hi' k derived therefrom. Traveling com fj paniee do not roam the country for JR " their health alone, They .expect to HLw Nliagood,beltbycomDenitatiou. jp-thelr trouble. Ihipfaces Kaa Parowan Cedar HPVt amusements necessary for Kd people can just' as well as not HBFfo provided by homo talent. The n freat difficulty lies in the fact that ?F ' ' hereis to much dilntorynees. A V little moro lifo wants to bo infused Fp iuto the young men and ladies U , , of ability, and whon thoy present H Mj .theaasclves before tho publio, they 1 ' ' should be' encouraged by a liberal H !'. patronage. A united effort on the 1 i- "part of all will accomplish much H " t5,Tads KRlnlng the desired object H . ' , pf having home amusement by T ..-, X borne talent. H . ! . |