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Show Huflullc I loci. This country is not uaturally adapted adapt-ed to tho Suffolk brood of pigs, a fine-bonod fine-bonod nnlmal, but nut carrying hair enough to protect it from inclemonclos ot boat in summer and cold in winter, which prevail hero. Thoy nro an H Kncllsh brood, introduced somo forty yours ago in that country, nnd bred by i'rlnco Albort, who took a number of H prizes for tho best Digs of nny brcod, H Ltko most othor lino-boned pigs, tho H Suffolks do not oxcel in constitution, TM nnd tholr ability to sunburn in summer. H und to tako cold when oxposod to cold H or wet, mnkos them unprofitable to jaH thoso not ablo to glvo thorn oxcoptlon- H |