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Show H Tho Mttlo Tin Cup. PH Who, Tiettrl How do. air? W thU bora tho Laaaafl .. . V1'"" 'or folk m.U mart? .It nlrlr Viil, mi- l.urr'n t liuoi, alrt not nivln'i oil. no-Jin n fail IIM .And or In niynwii Hr. I wouldn't bo think. aaaaaaal .. .'" i" fclotilu inr hcrat aaeie lint Itnlnt no lira urcylii- matters nhcn ala- B tt-r-lo-liiwa liitirfirr. 1 Tmiaee It ncro thl mri Imt harvest wo LVaaaaal . pnrtcd with luitijrnrilli Chick) Tho tollcK child In the kentry; theronipl LVaaaaal . . "nU'fornliomalekt H .And hit it-nthcr, poor mil. look Ithadlrwhrn aaaaaaV ."" ln hor Da hsbr was dead, lr alio didn't ahed Uvm llko aho'il orlcr but M rot thar u-ihakla' her head. Anil when bahr was eufr In tho parlor aho H crrp'Kiriy uptotlmbo-r, Anil wa ficcnl her aar. "do to Bleep, dnrltn'," , aa aho bruahcd back hlabootlfut look. llutnex day alio wnt eloepln' heraelf, air, H when bej- como from tho town with tho llll hcaree, 80 wo went to Hie BTarrjraril without hor, una tared hor tho 'alcrlca. or worto. HH Wal, when wo trot baok from tlio fun'ral, thar u I.ucy a-settln tho lent H On Ibo l.iblo wan thrcn cups and aaurcra, for HH , borand thoalalerund moi I Ilutlt-an't tell tho turn a It giro motoieo H on tho cloth, pollahrd up. M Jilt ua Lrlirht 11 It ahlncd on lila blrthdar, our H poor Culckcr'a llttlo tin cupl iH Thou the filter aho atarla In o-crln', auil aaja H alio. w Ith hor face rerr whlto, H "I.ucy. dear, don't you know tliut tho baby m won't want anr aupperto-ulirhtT" M Then, poor iral. aho jlata llfta uphor linger and . thepolntalr at baby's old place, HL .And alio -rajs, "Don't tho tin cup look dirty IIIIBl olonjr o' tliat dazzlln' favaf " Ptf Et'ry mornlnr aho'a up with tho daybreak, H J orubHn' that poor bit o' tint H And aho'a atlll ut It, acourln' and ruhbln',whcn M the ahaddrrsof ercn'comcsln; H Hut It'a black, sir as black aa tho klttlo com H piiivd with tho child us alia thcru, H Bhlnlii' bright with tho irlory o'llcuvoni atlll U ua death In his llttlo hlnh chair. H Bo I'vo como, air, to ask you tako hor and tarn H hrrtlmt Chick's irouo away H Ton pliuo wiiar no suir'rlii klu enter, no rust, H nordlscae, nor decay 1 H Hut cf UndK'nt thla i-troko ns n mercy of tho H , itoctors all gives I.uoy up B oh wilt hrliiir back a heart that ain't broken, M 1. lid polish tho llttlo tin oup. H Thomaa Froat. |