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Show s ' - i "'- j o. . -. - wp " ' ' . . J"" ' BIBH : H I ! . - V MHMMHsl I I- ' . ' ' ' . -."- qz w LmlmJ ii r .. mm w -t. Ha J A ' , BB ,, i '...,'' " .(' ,,, - ',, . 'Si-JMfr , , , t 1 F tcJ ' . .-.- w :v' . -'. "" 'CO ' ' aBH H 7 P4 P""H W -VJri' MWr ' ) ' . No. 788. Natlce For Publication. Land Offlc at Bait Lae Oty Utah Jtn. CO, Hl, IotlM li belts siren tnttlhe following- oam- ed settler hat flled notice of hit luttullcn to make final proof In upport of hit claim, and that aid proofwlll U nd before the ProbaU Judge of Otr Held Co. Utah, or In hit abttnoe tbe eO unty clerk at Paugultch on March 17th, ntl.vlti Oe tge Doldt on II. E. 7SM for the N XJ tiec. 21TpMB.K.7W. lie names the followln wltneuti to prove hit eonUnuout retldenee upon and coltlTatloa of.taldland, vln William Barpnt Jttue w. Oroib? Jr. Janiet Montafie Darld W. Brant all of Pangultch Utah. frank D. Hobbt Regliter. No 610. KOIIce For Publicalon. t L'tid Offcoat Bait Late City, Utah. Ftbruar 7th, 1191. Notice ti hereby given that the following, uamed tcttler hat tiled netlco ot hit lutentlon tomake final proor In support ol kit claim, atd that tald proof wilt be made before tbe Probate Judge or In bit abtence the County Clerk of Washington Conoty Utah at 8tOeorge, Utah, on March 80th, 1831 vljt llcnryj.afaudtlcy HE No tssifortho 8H oIN.E, !,N.Wi , oiatt.H tNKMofBWU Bee. U Tp . R, IS W. S L It Uuh. Ho nami tho following wltnonei to prove hit cootlnuout retidanM upon, and cultivation of, raid land, vln rharlcs F. Foster, of Kt Qeorge Watblnglon Co Utah. ItaoIIunt ,of " ' Jamce Jaookton ,of Pine Valley tt'aihlngton Co Utah, liee'T Jacobaon ,ofPne Valley Wathlagton Co Ulan. .Frank D, Hobbt, ,.. lUgltter. T,0. Bailey Attorney. HLMK your coiumtn cntira ul I TtT Src,i0ft.ul',lncyofour ..Hi Sk RCVOOd Pump. Cw IWI U1 a- ?nciailowforUifcriOf fll K J?0"- otadiUmpfortlpjgo 3fl tatoguj. aoocm MMttjk Wtalctcan. li, MaaurKtum mWS l WmdMiUi. Puoipi. tic. a IT WILL FAV YOU, MlUMl k(u Orl.J.r ut . h,t , aoja. M,t h... aiku rit,n m s r.r rrit) Lui cm1o,. Itaiu uto4 t.r nmupM Units rr POWEIX A DOUGLAS. wi W"l'(rai. Illiu MaaaTrt t 1'm.tPt. lataUila, .te. Hiqiti-z, Mini aM Pleasure Coats. tlOfCMarivrtin. aroodCHa HlnchbMm,w4uhtMtol. H V l t lOM. I Land Agent, jfl Notary Public jfl Cedar CHy, Vlth. j ' pm nl JOS COSSIET. Ifl Variety StorejflH Notions mKk JTetcelrjM You should surly see his. ' lO cent COUNTER H !. ;V ttfiil ni r AH9. H The Favorite' m Medielaa for Throat and Lung Dl. , H cnltls ha long boea, aad still is, Aycr' H Cherry Pectoral. It cures Creup, 'iH Waeaplag Ceiagk atroaahltt, and Jl Asthaaaj aootbas Irritation ot the H Larynx and FaMce j strengthens tb JH Vecal Orgaast allays sortoets of th .1 Lubks( pravsat Ceasusaptlea, awL H even la advanced stages of that dlseavH rellevM Coughlnc aad ladaces BleeJH There U no other preparation rot H aa ofthe throat aad luaga te biH pared with taU ta?MHH "My wlf haulllH wl(b pain ia thrJM Jfled, various sacdt BB ,'iier any good unth!- Ayr' Cherry Pectoral 1nHI her. A neighbor, Mrs. flrana, qVVH measles, and lb cough was relttvfUnsBIIH the us of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.lHH have no hesitation In rsootaineadlag that H Cough Medicln to every one afflicted." Itobtrt Hortoa. 1 Foreman Jltadlight, MorrlllioB, Ark. ,, jH "I have been lcttd with attbat 'l for forty years. Last spring I waa taken '"JH with a violent cough.'whlcb threataaW s iH to terminal my disy. lyery ou pro I XllH nounctd tarn In consumption. I deter- JH mined to try Ajr' Cherry VeotoraU (H 1U affects were magical. I was Inimedb. , 'iH ately retleved aad continued to Improve VH until entirely recovered." Joel Bullard, rflH Qulltmd, Cona. H " Six months ago I bad a otvtr btoa. .k orrhag of the lungs, brought on by aa H iDcettaut cough which deprived an of jfH sleep and rest. I tried various rem. dies, but obtained no relief until I b. iSH Jan to take Ayer'a Chsrrr Pcctortt. A Sl ew bottles of this medicine cured ma." aH Mrs. E. Coburn, IB Second St., Lowell, B Mass. H "For children afflicted with eold, H coughs, sore throat, or oroup, I do net lB know ot any remedr which will g4v H mora speedy relief than Ayer'a Cherry '1 Pectoral. I have found it, alto, lavala- 'M able In cases of Whooping Cough." Jl Ann Lovejoy, 1287 WMhlagtoa skrM JH Boston, Mats. JH Ayer's Cherry PeolMjl raxraaiD x Or. Ayar LflH eldbyallSniggUla. Price 1(bmU BH HENRY. M. STANLEY H IN .DARKEST AFRICA' 9 ThtaoapUtt ttotr ot SUaltyt pmi thrMi J adTtatum and Uia clKlarire M alt laTortan 'lM dluorMliUl appear far Iba Sr lltat la a .VHal work written b hliaMir. eelltlt Ja4uk flH Attl-a" Dj not be tfeeeheii by iir eftki we- H tiLti 0Ualer bookt" bov belai aairriS a "erne SHI alnaud"aaihentla. T ee ( UnVa BtJ Th-reltBOCUeeUoaaljoattMttUI wtWaf al wteoHatTe-rtiarUo'iUr. WtiT alt,au4 M vmtlfptlcuIenoaa;pUtloik.. ,.. ,H PIMITinM la ordet not ta .U nhUa. WH IfAUIlUN tea Ikf ImM. b,t k t H CHARLES BCnlBNBR'S SONS H AodtkttttiHnraBaf a(at aearlrt a rtaaia H areacr trom S A..L. BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, c l w SAN FRAaCISCO. H BNMrnl AfMU ftf tba fcH ct&, H HHIH1 |