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Show Protect Your llenltli. Cold and moisture combined have a torporlslng effect upon the bodlljr organs, and the digestive and secretive processes are apt to be more tardlt performed In winter than In the fall. The aims Is true, also, of the excretory functions. The bowels are often sluggish, and the pores ot the skin throw off but little waste matter at this season. sea-son. Tbe system, therefore, requires opening up a little, and also purifying and regulating, and the safet, surest snd most thorough tonlo and alterative that can be used for these purposes la Uostetter's Stomach Bitters. Torsons who wish to escape the rbeumatlo twinges, the dyspeptic, agonies, the painful disturbances of the bowels, the bilious attacks, and the nervous visitations, so common at this tlmo of the year, will don ell to reinforce their systems with this renowned vegetable atomachto and Invlgorant, Itlmprores the appetite, strengthens the stomach, cheers tbe spirits, and renovates the whole physique. |