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Show 1 ' silVeb.reep Knowing ttyit Mr. iudd was interested in-terested in mining in, Silver, Reef tho reporter usked regarding that oldsilver-'.sandstone district, Ife says the prospects, are brighter . at Siifor Ueef ihan they have been for many years. In the old Stormv King mine,.beloi.gig to tho Chris ty Copipany, tho devj-lopments have been extending northward from the new shaft into new country, and it now allows up ns well as it ever did in that property. Woolv, Lund Judd have been rniinim? jbe Bar-be Bar-be ifeWlker, mill ill which they worketj' 100Q toriH of ore rivernging about IS ounces silver to tho tun. Thoy hnvo also been running the Christy mill part of the timo. Tho ores crushed were raised by "chlori-derd "chlori-derd ," who havo been doing well in faot n well as miners did iu that camp. Abdul forty miners are working in tho district. Mr. Judd is of the opinion if the mines there, now belonging to threo companies wor'o thrown into a corporation, that mining could be carried on to large oxlent, good nrbfit, anil that Silver Reef would becomo a bolter district than it ever has been. Tribune, |