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Show 1 A Tact. (from an Intrrrlew, If. T. WorM.J jv In an Intoivlen with a leading drup-hotite the N. Y. World, Nor. V, lb90, iilvtt the fol. lowing comment on the proprietors of rclla j ble patctit medicines: 'i "lie Is a rptclallct, and should know more j of tho dlscaso ho actually trvutt than tlio ordinary physician; for while the latter may come across any llftjr cases In a year of the particular disease which this medicine com bats. Its manufacturer Investigates thousand. thou-sand. Don't you suppose his prescription, which you buy ready made up furCUients, Is likely to do more good than that of the ordinary physician, who charges you anywhere any-where lrom 2 to (10 for giving It, and leaves yon to pay the cost of having It prepared I "Iho patent mcdlcluo man, too, usually has tho good sense to conflue himself to ordinary, evcry-duy diseases. lie leaves to the physician cases In which there Is Immediate Imme-diate danger to life, such as violent fevers. Ho docs this lecause. In tho treatment of such cases, there are other elements of Im- Iportauco besides medicine, such as proper dieting, good nursing, a knowledge of the patient's strength ami so ou. Where there Is no absolute, uangcr to life, where tbe disease dis-ease Is ono which tho patient can diagnose I for himself or which some physician has al--. I ready determined, the patent medicine maker . I savs fearlessly: '1 havo a preparation which ; I Is better than any other known and wblcb I will cure you.' In nine cases out ot ten his ' I statement ts true." I This Is .absolutely true as regards the great I remedy for pain, tit. Jacobs Oil. It can ar-J. ar-J. ssrt'vt Ithout fear of contradiction, that It Is a prompt and permanent cure of pain. It J can show proofs of cures of chronic cases of 20, 80 and 0 years' standing. In truth It rarely ever falls If used according to dlrec-.' dlrec-.' tlonr, and n large proportion of cures Is made by halt tho contents of a tingle bottle. 1 It Is therefore tho best. |